be free, be happy, be peaceful

May all find the teacher within to guide oneself towards unconditional love and peace

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

No complaints, no unhappiness on the path of yoga...

At the beginning of our practice, before we realize selflessness and compassion, we need to inquire towards what is selflessness and compassion. We also try to practice what we think is selfless compassion. After we realized what is selflessness and compassion, all and everyone are selfless and merely the manifestation of compassion, where the thoughts, actions and speech are part of the manifestation out of selfless compassion. We are no longer trying to practice selfless compassion, but this life existence is indeed selfless and compassionate. All and everything are not separated from selflessness and compassion.

If we realized the nature of selfless compassion in all and everything, there won’t be any unhappiness in us. It’s because nothing can make us happy or unhappy, if we realized we all are selfless and compassionate. There is no anger, hatred, frustration, discontentment, disappointment, hurt, resentment, fear and worry, when selfless compassion is present. It’s because there is no egoistic attachment and passionate desire in all kinds of actions and the result/consequence of actions. There is no selfish intention or expectation in all the selfless compassionate actions. If there is tiny intention or expectation in the action, then this action is not really selfless and compassionate, and it will bind us to the result of the action. There is still some egoistic attachment and desire there. There will be discontentment and disappointment if the result is not being what we want it to be, or there will be pride and arrogance if the result is being what we want it to be.

In this present moment now, if there are still some complaints and unhappiness in this mind, if there's still unhappiness about something that the mind perceives through the senses of what it sees, hears, smells, tastes, touches, feels and thinks, then it is because this mind hasn't realized its nature of selfless compassion. The mind is still under the influence of ignorance. There's attachment from the thinking mind towards the modification of the mind, and there's desire of craving and aversion towards all the names and forms that it perceives through the senses. The egoistic mind (under the function of the intellect and the ego) ceaselessly reacts towards all the names and forms which also disturbs, or affects, or determines the mind for how it thinks and feels.

It is not the things that the mind perceives that generate happiness or unhappiness. They cannot make the mind happy or not happy. It is the delusive identification with the body and the mind as 'I', and the attachment towards all the names and forms that make the mind thinks that it is being disturbed by all these names and forms, and determining whether it is happy or not happy due to what it thinks it is experiencing. If there is no attachment, and if the thinking mind knows that it's just the body and the mind, but it's not 'I', then it won’t be affected by whatever names and forms that are being perceived through the senses, and it won’t be affected by whatever condition that the body and the mind is experiencing in this present moment now, or what they experienced in the past.

Without the mind, there's no perception of anything, no names, no forms, no attributes.

What is good? What is bad? What is happiness? What is unhappiness?

If the mind realized selflessness, there is no identification with the body and the mind as 'I', there is no likes or dislikes. There is no craving or aversion. There is no good or bad. There is no happiness or suffering. Everything is just being what it is. All the different qualities of names and forms are just what they are, when the mind realizes selflessness. There is no self-interest, self-protection, self-arrogance, selfish intention, selfish expectation. There is no separateness or discrimination of good beings and bad beings, and there is no separateness of all and everything in the universe.

There is no “my family and friends” or “not my family and friends”. There is no people that I like or people that I don’t like. There is no superiority and inferiority. Everyone is equally selfless and impermanent. All the separateness of “you and I”, “he and I”, “they and I”, is gone and disappeared. There is no friends or not friends. There is no loneliness, no craving for love and attention from “somebody” who is separated from “I”. When everyone and everything is not separated from “I”, how can there be loneliness?

Out of selfless compassion, this mind will be compassionate towards all beings including itself is also one of the beings. There's no difference.

That’s why yoga is all about knowing who we really are, or what the mind really is, and we/the mind will be free. We all are selfless and compassionate in our true nature, the real and infinite existence. We are not affected or determined by any names and forms that the mind can perceive or understand through its function. We are not disturbed or determined by the good and bad karma that is generated by this body and this mind. We are not affected by the births and deaths of the mind perception of a worldly life existence.

It doesn’t matter in this present moment now, if we are still haven't realized selflessness yet. No judgment. Forgive and accept the imperfection and ignorance being there as it is, and keep practicing until we, or the thinking minds, realize selflessness.

Let go the identification with the selfless mind and the impermanent states of the mind. Learn to be the witness or the observer of the modification of the mind. We will soon realize that we are not the mind. We are not the body either. There's no 'I', but merely the selfless impermanent existence and function of the mind and body. This selfless body and mind is subject to impermanent changes, forming, decaying, and deforming. The infinite selfless compassion exists even before this body and mind exists and will continue to exist when this body and mind stops existing. There's neither beginning nor ending. All manifestations are manifested from the infinite Self. We can negate all kinds of selfless impermanent names and forms that we can perceive through this perceptive mind, but we cannot negate the one that is negating everything, (there's no "I" in all and everything, where all and everything is not "I"), which is what I am.

Everything that has a beginning will have an end. Everything that exist will cease existing. Everything may go through forming and deforming, existence and non-existence. But the infinite birthless and deathless Self is beyond existence and non-existence. Everything can be non-existing after some time, but the Self is always here. Without the Self, nothing exists. Just like without the sun, the air, the water, the earth and the space, nothing can exist. Everything exist because of all these elements. All these elements exist because of the Self.

There is no gain and no loss. Everything come from zero, and will go back to zero. What is there to be proud of or mourned about?

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