be free, be happy, be peaceful

May all find the teacher within to guide oneself towards unconditional love and peace

Saturday, July 20, 2024

If the mind knows and understands

If the mind knows and understands towards impermanence and selflessness, and the nature's law of cause and effect, it will be resting in peace, as it is.

It is devoid of the idea of 'I'.

The sense of separateness and discrimination, the sense of superiority and inferiority, the sense of low/high self-esteem, the sense of belonging and possessiveness, or all kinds of duality of success and failure, achievement and non-achievement, enjoyment and suffering, deserving and non-deserving, meaningfulness and meaninglessness, positiveness and negativeness, goodness and badness, joyfulness and joylessness, pride and shame, inspiration and aspiration, and so on, as well as castes, sects, ranks, titles, social status, superstitions, fairy tales, hypocrisy, manipulations, untruthfulness, justification, and etc, don't exist in it.

It is desireless, and hence, it is fearless.

It won't feel disturbed, hurt, intimidated, bullied, threatened, belittled, humiliated, annoyed, provoked or disappointed by anyone and anything, even if other minds have the intention to behave in the way that meant to be disturbing, hurting, intimidating, bullying, threatening, belittling, humiliating, annoying, provoking or disappointing others.

It can be disagreeing with and non-empowering other minds and their thinking/belief/values/desires/behavior/action/reaction under the influence of ignorance and egoism, while it won't have anger and hatred or discrimination and bias treatment towards anyone and anything.

All minds have the freedom for being what they are, as they are.

It can be performing or not performing certain actions that might or might not ignite certain awareness/reflection or bring certain improvement into the world of ignorance and egoism, without intention to be controlling or influencing anyone and anything to be or not to be in certain way, without expectation towards anyone and anything has to be or not to be in certain way.

The selfless intentionless mirror has the selfless intentionless purpose that serves as a selfless reflector that reflects the reflection of all kinds of objects being reflected upon it, but whether the objects perceive and see their reflection upon the mirror, or not, and how they perceive and react towards their reflection, it's their own freedom and responsibility.

The difference between a selfless mirror and a selfless perceptive cognitive intellectual emotional thinking acting mind, is that the mirror doesn't have the awareness, thinking faculty and mobility (freewill and survival instinct) to act/react/decide upon whether to move away from any detrimental harsh and critical conditions and situations, while the selfless mind has the selfless limited and conditional awareness, thinking faculty and mobility to act/react/decide upon whether to move away, or not, from any conditions and situations, as well as how and when it acts/reacts/decides, either under the influence of ignorance and the by-products of ignorance, or free from the influence of ignorance and all those by-products of ignorance.

Selflessness and compassion (fearlessness, contentment, simplicity, desirelessness, dispassion, renunciation, non-attachment, non-identification, non-craving, non-aversion, non-judgment, non-discrimination, non-expectation, respecting the nature's law of cause and effect, and etc) doesn't mean that the mind should deny as well as empower all kinds of ignorance, or shouldn't disagree with and protest against all kinds of ignorant ideas, affairs and behaviors, or doesn't perform actions to be looking after the general well-being of oneself and others and the surrounding environment, or shouldn't move away from any detrimental harsh and critical conditions and situations if there is possibility to do so.

It can be living in seclusion and solitude or living among the diverse society, and it can be in action or inaction, while it is kind and friendly towards all and everyone as it is, without discrimination, desire, intention or expectation towards all and everyone or the world should or shouldn't be in certain way.

It is at peace, unconditionally, being undetermined and undisturbed by all kinds of selfless impermanent changes, affairs, events, relationships, ties and connections, interactions, activities, conditions and situations in the world.

It is devoid of grief and painful sorrow, guilt and regret, missing and longing.

Because it knows and understands that all the minds that would think, believe, desire, behave, act and react in the way that is disturbing, destructive, violent, cruel, damaging and hurtful towards oneself and others and the surrounding environment, regardless of whether intentionally or unintentionally, it is because these minds are functioning under the influence of ignorance, egoism, impurities and restlessness, while being ignorant towards all that. These minds are ill, or not well, even though from the appearance, they might appear to be achieving and enjoying many things in many ways. They are not free, even if they think and believe that they are highly powerful, being on top of the world, and can have anything exactly the way that they desire, but then, none and nothing can escape, or conquer, or change the truth of selflessness and impermanence, and the nature's law of cause and effect.

Even though none can escape, or conquer, or change the truth of selflessness and impermanence, and the nature's law of cause and effect, however, one can transcend all that while not being determined by all that, upon knowing and understanding all that via self-inquiry and self-realization by purifying, disciplining and quieting the modification of the mind, and thus, be free from ignorance and the suffering arising from ignorance.

If the mind is in a state of suffering/violence/disturbance/hurts/disappointment/anger/hatred/painful sorrow, and so on, that is because this mind doesn't know and hasn't realize/understand towards selflessness and impermanence, and the nature's law of cause and effect.

Out of ignorance, the mind thinks and believes that its state of suffering is inflicted/caused by the names and forms that it experiences, that it thinks and believes as 'bad', 'wrong', 'negative', 'terrible', 'unpleasant', 'hurtful', 'disturbing', 'disappointing', 'intimidating', 'sorrowful', 'anger and hatred deserving', and so on.

Out of such incorrect understanding (the presence of ignorance, and being ignorant towards ignorance), the mind would behave/act/react in the way that is disturbing, destructive, violent, cruel, damaging and hurtful towards oneself and others and the surrounding environment. The world is indeed full of minds that are in such state.

Anger and hatred, or aversion and violence towards the minds that are being perceived as ignorant, selfish, greedy, cruel, wrongful and evil due to ignorance and egoism, doesn't stop them from being what they are, and it won't help the minds that are under the influence of ignorance and egoism to be free from ignorance and egoism.

The highest duty and responsibility of all minds in this world, is to look after one's mind, to have correct understanding, and have peace. Without all these, everything else is nothing.

Without correct understanding and peace, there will be ceaseless disturbance and violence in oneself, that spreads into the surrounding community and environment, that affect all and everyone and everything locally and globally.

The highest liberation/freedom/independence, is being free from ignorance and the by-products of ignorance.

The highest power/ability/knowledge is not about achieving/possessing/enjoying/knowing/experiencing/creating many things, but it is the power/ability/knowledge of letting go everything.

The condition and situation in the world that doesn't belong to anyone, is exactly the reflection of the state of mental health of many minds.

Inquire the truth of everything, and be free.

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Take a few moments away from everyone and everything

Take a few moments away from everyone and everything.

Just be aware of the air coming in and going out from the nostrils.

No judgment.

No comparison.

No expectation.

No craving.

No aversion.

Not controlling anything.

Not achieving anything.

Not desiring anything.

Not pushing away anything.

No fear.

No worry.

No resentment.

No bitterness.

No anger.

No hatred.

Not angry with oneself.

Not angry with anyone.

Not hating oneself.

Not hating anyone.

Not trying to be good.

Not trying to be positive.

Not trying to be anything.

Not trying to understand.

Just the breath coming and going.

Being what it is.

Selfless and impermanent.

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About Yoga

Know thyself. Everything is impermanent and selfless. There is no 'I'. There is no 'I am selfless'/'I am not selfless'. There is no 'I am hurt'/'I need to be healed from hurt'. Non-blind believing, non-blind following, non-blind practicing and non-blind propagating, but be open-minded to inquire the truth of everything. Be free. Be peaceful. Be happy.

About Meng Foong

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Inquire the truth of everything.

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