be free, be happy, be peaceful

May all find the teacher within to guide oneself towards unconditional love and peace

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Acceptance - Accepting the perceived reality in the present moment now as it is

There's neither right nor wrong, neither good nor bad, and neither normal nor abnormal in the many different minds with different conditions of the different functions of the physical body having different personalities, desires/don't desires, and experiences in different ways.

Some minds prefer to be alone most of the time, and would feel unease being surrounded by some others.

Some minds prefer to be surrounded by some others most of the time, and would feel unease being alone by oneself.

Some minds prefer to be balancing the time of being alone and the time of being surrounded by some others, and would feel unease when that is off-balanced.

Some minds have no problems with being alone, or being surrounded by some others, and it doesn't matter whether the time of being alone and the time of being surrounded by some others are being balanced in certain way, or not.

The moment the mind has intense attachment, identification, desire of craving and aversion, and expectation towards itself, its life existence, its functions, its conditions, its abilities, its achievements, its way of living, when/where/how it spends its time, effort, and energy, its activities, its experiences, its connections and interactions with some others, and the surrounding environment to be or not to be in certain way, there will arise 'problems', 'disturbs', 'unease', 'dissatisfaction', 'disappointment', 'frustration', 'unhappiness', 'joylessness', 'loneliness', 'left-out', 'exhaustion', 'fatigue', 'burn-out', 'meaninglessness', 'fault finding', 'blame', 'self-blame', 'guilt', 'regret', 'fear', 'worry', 'anger', 'resentment', 'bitterness', 'jealousy', 'admiration', 'aspiration', and etc, particularly when the mind rejects or doesn't accept the perceived reality of the experience in the present moment now as it is, that is not the way that it expects, likes, and desires. This mind is restless, or peaceless. This mind is not free.

If the mind is free from attachment, identification, desire of craving and aversion, or expectation, and it can accept the perceived reality of the experience in the present moment now as it is, even if it is not the way that it likes and desires, then there won't be any 'problems', 'disturbs', 'unease', 'dissatisfaction', 'disappointment', 'frustration', 'unhappiness', 'joylessness', 'loneliness', 'left-out', 'exhaustion', 'fatigue', 'burn-out', 'meaninglessness', 'fault finding', 'blame', 'self-blame', 'guilt', 'regret', 'fear', 'worry', 'anger', 'resentment', 'bitterness', 'jealousy', 'admiration', 'aspiration', and etc, arising in the mind.

This mind is at peace, unconditionally, being undetermined by the selfless impermanent changes, the selfless impermanent states of mind, the selfless impermanent physical and mental conditions and limitations, the surrounding environment, the ups and downs, the actions and the fruit of actions, the abilities and disabilities, the achievement and non-achievement, the pleasant/unpleasant and desirable/undesirable experiences. This mind is free.

Accepting that, "In this present moment now, this is the state of the mind, this is the condition of the physical body, this is the possibility and impossibility, this is the ability and limitation, this is the experience and non-experience, this is what the body and mind can do and cannot do, this is what the body and mind can achieve and cannot achieve, and this is the result of the action and effort. Regardless of whether it's something desirable or undesirable, pleasant or unpleasant, and agreeable or disagreeable, it is impermanent, it's not 'I', and there is no 'I'. It's merely some selfless impermanent changes/activities governed by the nature's law of cause and effect."

It's okay, and there's nothing wrong that there are some defects, or dysfunctions, or abnormal functions, or limitations, or disabilities, or illness, or injuries, or imperfections existing in this selfless impermanent function of the selfless conditional and limited physical body with the selfless conditional and limited perceptive cognitive intellectual emotional thinking faculty.

It's okay, and there's nothing wrong that all the different minds have different characteristics, personalities, desires/don't desires, beliefs, values, reasoning, understanding/non-understanding, way of thinking, way of living, way of doing things, choices, actions and reactions, and the outcomes/consequences of all that.

All are selfless and impermanent.

Even if the mind can't let go of certain things or everything, and it is restless or peaceless, being determined and disturbed by the perceived reality that is not the way that it likes and desires, and it's okay, too. Accepting that, "In this present moment now, this mind can't accept the perceived reality being what it is, and it is restless or peaceless. This is also impermanent. It's not 'I', and there's no 'I'."

The perceptive cognitive intellectual emotional thinking mind might be perceiving and acknowledging the selfless existence and function of the physical body is suffering from certain form of physical and/or mental defects or illness, however, the mind can have or develop the awareness of being aware of the existence of any form of physical and/or mental defects or illness without attachment, identification, desire of craving and aversion, judgment, and expectation towards the presence and absence of any form of physical and/or mental condition. All kinds of physical and/or mental condition is not 'I', and there is no 'I'.

Be able to make any necessary adjustment to adapt and accommodate any conditions and situations, to stay away as much as possible from connections, activities, and affairs that are under the influence of ignorance and the consequences of ignorance, and perform actions (including inaction) in accordance to the possibilities and impossibilities in the present moment now, without attachment, identification, desire of craving and aversion, judgment, and expectation towards the actions and the fruit of actions, is the essence of the yoga practice. All are impermanent.

Need not wasting life existence, attention, effort, and energy into dealing with connections, activities, and affairs that are under the influence of ignorance, or fighting against the minds that are functioning under the influence of ignorance.

Allowing all and everyone (including one's dearest family members, parents, children, siblings, partner/spouse, and friends) to take responsibility towards themselves, their states of mind, their thinking, their belief and disbelief, their understanding and non-understanding, their desires and don't desires, their actions and the consequences of their actions, their aspirations and ambitions, their duties and responsibilities, their choices, and for being what they are, where they are, and how they are.

Not being determined nor disturbed by the ignorance and the consequences of ignorance of others.

This is not selfish at all. It is indeed compassion and wisdom.

The mind that realizes this, is free, and peaceful, as it is.

Inquire the truth of everything, and be free.

Monday, May 20, 2024


The mind that identifies itself as a 'Guru' to some others is not really a Guru.

The mind that identifies an external 'Guru' as its greatest Guru still hasn't found the Guru yet.

The one and only greatest Guru is the selfless mind itself.

The external Guru is anyone and anything or any experiences that enables the mind to see the one and only Guru from within (of knowing Thyself), or to see the truth of selflessness and impermanence in all and everything, where all and everything are the teachers and the teachings or Dhamma, transcending all kinds of names and forms or duality.

Be free.

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About Yoga

Know thyself. Everything is impermanent and selfless. There is no 'I'. There is no 'I am selfless'/'I am not selfless'. There is no 'I am hurt'/'I need to be healed from hurt'. Non-blind believing, non-blind following, non-blind practicing and non-blind propagating, but be open-minded to inquire the truth of everything. Be free. Be peaceful. Be happy.

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Inquire the truth of everything.

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