We won't get an answer when we ask someone who is truly selfless, "Are you selfless?", as there is nobody there to claim or identify as "I" am selfless...
The one who will give us an answer either "Yes, I am" or "No, I am not", is coming from the egoistic thinking mind thinks or believes itself is being selfless or not...
If somebody tells us, "I am selfless", then very obvious this "selfless" person is not really selfless...
It is pointless to ask someone who is free from suffering due to being free from the egoistic mind, "Are you free from suffering?", as there is nobody there to experience suffering, nor there is anyone there being free from suffering...
If someone claims or identifies as "I am peaceful" or "I am happy" or "I am free" or "I am good" or "I am wise" or "I am compassionate", that is the mind thinks and believes itself is peaceful, happy, free, good, wise and compassionate... Or when someone claims or identifies as "I am not peaceful" or "I am not happy" or "I am
not free" or "I am not good" or "I am not wise" or "I am not compassionate", that is the mind thinks
and believes itself is not peaceful, not happy, not free, not good, not wise and not compassionate...
There is nothing wrong with the mind thinks and believes about "I am this or that" or " I am not this nor that"... It is just the mind perception about itself as this and that with such and such qualities that it projects onto itself... This is just how the mind works and operates, reacts and thinks... And whatever the mind reacts, feels, thinks and believes whether it is something good or bad, positive or negative, happy or unhappy, pleasant or unpleasant, it's all impermanent and "non-self"...
Realize this, there is no "I" being there experiencing "this" or "that"...
Go beyond the mind perception about "I" am this or that with such and such qualities that the mind projects onto itself, and we will be free from fear, worry, jealousy, anxiety, judgment, comparison, competition, expectation, discontentment, disappointment, restlessness and unhappiness that derive from pride, arrogance, low self-esteem, low confidence, self-doubt, self-criticism, self-expectation, self-image, or so called "professional image"...
Om shanti.
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My life stories - from where I came from and how I came here...
- My life stories - Part 20 (Balancing life and settling in)
- My life stories - Part 19 (Life and learning amidst impermanent changes and challenges
- My life stories - Part 18 (Writing and blogging about the teachings)
- My life stories - Part 17 (Uncertainty - That's life, and it's okay)
- My life stories - part 16 (Finding a living space)
- My life stories - Part 15 (Letting go)
- My life stories - Part 14 (Life moves on)
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- My life stories - Part 12 (A new beginning)
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About Yoga In Malaysia
About Yoga
Know thyself. Everything is impermanent and selfless. There is no 'I'. There is no 'I am selfless'/'I am not selfless'. There is no 'I am hurt'/'I need to be healed from hurt'.
Non-blind believing, non-blind following, non-blind practicing and non-blind propagating, but be open-minded to inquire the truth of everything.
Be free. Be peaceful. Be happy.
About Meng Foong
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- "Are you selfless?" - An invalid question...
- Unconditional peace and happiness beyond good cond...
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This post makes provokes much thought and self reflection. Thank you for sharing your words