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Be happy.
May all find the teacher within to guide oneself towards unconditional love and peace
The world seems like having lots of problems now. But where do all these problems come from?
No doubts that they are caused by ourselves, the human beings.
So what is the best solution to solve these problems?
Because no matter how much we try to send the message out there to everyone about all the problems that we are facing now in the world and suggest many methods to help to solve or ease the problems, but if people are selfish and ignorant without wisdom, then there won't be much changes going on because people just don't care and will continue to create more problems while some other people are trying to clean up the mess that is already there.
This is because ignorance is so strongly rooted in many people. Selfishness and thoughtlessness are the products of ignorance. In order to solve any problems efficiently, it is necessary to root out the cause of all kinds of problem.
The problems that we are having now in the world, are not really about people pollute the environment by using lots of plastic bags; or too many cars; or burning down the forest; or cutting down the trees; or pollution that come from factories; or people are harming other living beings by creating wars, riots, racism, hatred, religious conflicts and gangster fighting; or there are lots of crimes like robbery, rapes, assaults and murders done by coldhearted human beings.
All these 'damaging hurtful actions' are the reflection, or result, or symptom of ignorance.
No doubt that all these happenings are causing damages to the environment and causing painful suffering for many people in the world, but we need to know what is the root cause for all these happenings, then only we can really solve the problems directly and efficiently. All these actions derived from ignorance in human beings.
Ignorance is the root cause for all these meaningless stupid and evil actions done by many people who are responsible for all the consequences from their selfish actions, but everyone claimed that they did nothing wrong and they are not responsible for any damages.
To eradicate ignorance, one needs to purify and quiet the mind to perform inquiry towards the truth of everything. The veil of ignorance vanish and wisdom is unveiled upon self-realization towards the truth of impermanence and selflessness in all and everything.
Everyone need to come in contact with dharma and practice dharma in life.
Dharma is universal. It's available and accessible for everyone who wish to realize wisdom and to eradicate ignorance from their mind, regardless of what type of personality, race, creed, religion, profession, nationality, young or old, men or women, smart or less smart.
The gift of dharma is for all living beings. It is more important and efficient than just by trying to tell people what they should do and should not do.
Because most people don't have the wisdom or conscience to understand how does one's actions can cause so much damage to themselves, other beings and the environment, and it is difficult for ignorant minds to be aware of their actions are contributing to the damages in the world, and hence, it is not easy to advise them about taking care of the welfare of the environment and not to harm other beings either intentionally or unintentionally.
People who have very strong ego will not like to listen to other people telling them what they should do and should not do. They rather will do the opposite way of what have been told, to show their arrogance, rebellion and stubbornness. They will ignore what they were told about should do and should not do. They will remain selfish, thoughtless and ignorant. Maybe in the beginning, some people will try to co-operate and do something beneficial that was being promoted in a campaign. But after a while, the campaign will cool off and no one cares anymore.
It is like there are many cases of deadly road accidents caused by reckless and irresponsible drivers in everywhere in the world. All these people are not just risking their own lives but also risking other people's lives. Due to selfishness and ignorance, people had caused so much painful sorrow to other people and their family and friends by causing injuries and deaths to those innocent people, either intentionally or unintentionally. Some of these irresponsible people knew that their behaviors were selfish and harmful. But due to anger and frustration towards other people or something undesirable that they experience and being unhappy with their own lives or angry with the world, people deliberately want to be selfish and meant to drive recklessly, with the intention of causing damages and/or hurting other people too. And they might or might not feel any regret or sorry about their actions at all.
Sometimes road accidents were not caused by the recklessness of the drivers, but because there were some mischievous or selfish people in the world who had intentionally or unintentionally create some obstructions such like double parking on the road side or put some foreign objects on the road that had caused accidents to happen. This was a very selfish act of irresponsibility and had caused painful suffering to some other innocent people. Some selfish ignorant people also use the road as a place to commit suicide, which is very irresponsible as well because they are taking some other innocent lives with them or cause injuries and damages to other people just because they don't want to live anymore.
Most people did not know that their actions were so ignorant and selfish, and would cause damages to themselves and to other people too, because they are ignorant towards ignorance. Some people thought that they just want to have some fun and excitement to get rid of their boredom and to release their extra energy by doing exciting things, such like driving fast or making some ''stunt moves'' with their cars. There are many people who use hand phone while driving; or they are busy talking with the other passengers in the car; or their mind is busy thinking of some other things and not concentrating in driving and not paying any attentions on the road; or some people just don't have the good enough driving skill, such like not knowing how to use the indicator, or not obeying the traffic lights and signs; or people are just being impatient and wanted to drive fast even they have no reason to be fast.
Driving fast is not necessary dangerous if the driver is skillful enough and paying attention on the road, while some people might be driving too slow and could cause some accidents to happen as well. But sometimes, the machine is not in our control especially when the speed is too fast. Some people will be feeling regret and guilty throughout their whole life if they survived a car crash due to their selfishness and ignorance, and had caused injuries or deaths to some other people.
It is not because people have never seen or come across with a ''safety driving'' campaign before.
All these ''safety driving'' campaigns and ''dangerous reckless driving will cause painful suffering, injuries and deaths'' campaigns were being held and advertised almost everywhere in the world, and in all the countries where they have roads and cars, to educate the people and to advise the people to drive safely and responsibly for their own lives and the lives of others. But how come there are still so many serious road accidents happening everywhere and all the times? What is the root cause for all these suffering?
It is the ignorance and selfishness that is deep rooted in everyone's mind. People are not thoughtful for other people and are not aware of their actions could be so harmful and deadly. People are driving while they are arguing with family or friends; people drive after taking alcohol or drugs; people drive while talking or texting on the hand phone; people drive while listening to loud and exciting music; people are busy doing something else instead of paying attention on the road, and so on.
If these people have some awareness or wisdom; if they have a little bit of thoughtfulness for other people and for themselves; or if they have a little bit of patience, then they won't be risking their lives and the lives of others too.
People are ignorant because they have not come across with dharma, or they come in contact with dharma but they don't like the teachings of dharma for their own reasons. No one likes to listen to dharma talks unless they are interested in becoming a better person who does less damages to oneself and others; or want to realize the truth of everything; or want to come out from miseries and be peaceful and happy unconditionally.
If we can plant the seed of dharma into people's mind, then slowly and eventually people will unleash the wisdom within themselves layer by layer, either wittingly or unwittingly, and slowly it will eradicate ignorance and selfishness from people's mind. People will start to realize what is going on in their own minds and have awareness, and will start to do something beneficial for themselves and other living beings, and for the welfare of the world unconditionally and non-discriminatively. And this selfless action is being done by people out of wisdom or correct understanding. People do it willingly out of awareness and not because they were being told by other people or the authority to behave or don't behave in certain way.
If all the world leaders and religion leaders are wise, compassionate and selfless, there will be less violence and painful suffering due to discrimination, racism, prejudice, corruption, wars and killings.
If all the educators, teachers and leaders of the society are wise, compassionate and selfless, there will be less crimes and hurtful happenings in our society and daily lives.
If every human being is wise, compassionate and selfless, there will be less unhappiness, anger, hatred, jealousy, lies, conflicts, depression, heart broken and heartache in our personal lives.
If everybody is wise, compassionate and selfless, this world is a heaven on earth.
Why do so many people turn to alcohol and drugs, committing crimes and hurting other people? It is because they are angry, frustrated, discontent, not peaceful and very unhappy.
And why are they so unhappy?
It's because of ignorance without wisdom. Anger, hatred, jealousy, greed, lust and arrogance that create irritation; frustration; dissatisfaction; disappointment and unhappiness, are the impurities that sprung from ignorance. When a person is unhappy, he or she will cause unhappiness to other people around him or her; and then these people also become unhappy and will cause more unhappiness to some other people around them.
At the end these unhappiness will eventually come back to him or her, who had caused this unhappiness at the beginning.
It is never ending of unhappiness starting from one person and keep growing into a big wheel of unhappiness involving many other people; starting from one point of the wheel and it will come back to the same point again. People are becoming more selfish because they are angry with other people's selfishness! The more selfish a person becomes, the stronger the ignorance is within him or her. What a big wheel of selfishness and ignorance growing bigger and bigger.
If every human being is observing right understanding and right livelihood, and attain self-realization towards the truth of everything via self-inquiry, then everywhere will be filled with unconditional love and kindness, instead of fear, anger, hatred and violence, although we all still have to go through the inevitable natural process of hunger, thirst, old age, illness, weakness and death.
If we have wisdom, we will know that the nature of all and everything is selflessness that is never been born and never dies. It is not determined or affected by the selfless impermanent changes of decay, old age, illness, pain or death to the limited conditional physical body and thinking mind. All and everything are identical with the infinite selfless Self, or the selfless universal consciousness, never increase and never decrease, without a beginning and without an end. By knowing this, there's no fear and worry at all.
When a person or a mind has realized the truth of impermanence and selflessness, and is entirely detached from or unattached towards all the names and forms in this world, this mind is not affected by all the impermanent elements and dualities in this world. There is no more arguments or debates. But if a person has not realized the truth of impermanence and selflessness, and is attached towards the names and forms either strongly or just a little, then this mind is still bound by the perception of duality in this world. This mind will be influenced, affected, determined and disturbed by all the impermanent elements and dualities in this world.
We need to contemplate on the dharma that we have come in contact with, reason it, practice it, inquire the truth of it, and realize the truth of names and forms by ourselves, then we will truly understand and know what the ancient dharma teachers had been trying to tell us and teach us actually.
May we all realize wisdom individually to help the world to be a better place for all beings to live in.
Right education is so important for our younger generations because they are our future leaders of the world. If they have the correct understanding and thinking, if they are selfless and wise, then there will be positive changes in the world later, individually, socially, environmentally or politically, and so on.
But unfortunately, lots of selfish and ignorant political influenced people have taken advantage of the school education and social media network to manipulate and corrupt the minds of these young people, implanting corrupted information, thinking and belief, selfishness, pride, discrimination, racism, anger, hatred and untruthfulness into these naive young minds, to achieve certain political agenda. Swami Sivananda advised - Do not read newspapers and magazines, as most of these public medias especially in the present time are under the selfish influence of many selfish greedy beings in the world to manipulate the community of the world to be in certain way that is favorable to achieve their selfish agenda, either based on particular political, religious or commercial value. In the present time, not just that newspapers and magazines are full of selfish influences, but even the school education in some countries are no longer what it supposed to be, but are functioning under the great influence of particular political and religious body, that doesn't help the world to be free from discrimination, prejudice, racism and hatred.
Yoga teachings and its practice is a form of universal education for all beings, physically and mentally. It's the correct education that would benefit the entire world unconditionally, regardless of all the different qualities of name and form that everyone possess and don't possess. It depends very much on the teacher's intention and his or her understanding towards yoga, practicing yoga and teaching yoga, whether it's aiming for self-realization to know thyself, to be free from ignorance, egoism and suffering, or not.
As yoga teachers, we need to be able to disseminate the real teachings of yoga, which is based on the elimination of ignorance, egoism and impurities, self-inquiry towards the truth of everything, to realize selflessness and compassion. It requires the quality of openness, truthfulness, dispassion, discrimination of real and unreal, self-control, discipline, right conduct, equanimity, humility, right thinking and right effort.
In order to disseminate the teachings of yoga and its practice, we should be able to practice what we teach, and teach what we realized from practicing the teachings through direct experience, and not just preaching what we have heard from our Guru, or what we have read from books, but without direct practice and understanding in ourselves.
We ourselves need to be open to inquire the truth of everything and have the correct understanding, self-control, dispassion, discrimination of real and unreal, equanimity, humility, right conduct, right thinking and right effort. Then only we can guide the students and encourage them to inquire the truth of everything and practice what is taught in the Scripture.
We need to know the teaching of Vedanta - the yoga philosophy, and practice it by hard sincerely in everyday life. Then only we can disseminate the teachings to the people who want to learn from us, who want to know about yoga and its teachings and meanings.
We need to have very strong faith in the Scripture of this ancient teaching of self-realization. We need to be humble and confident towards the teachings and our own practice too, then only we can guide the students to be humble and confident towards the teachings and their practice.
Having pride and arrogance in us by attaching onto the name and form of being a yoga teacher will not help the students to be free from ignorance and egoism, to attain self-realization towards selflessness and compassion.
We need to have certain degrees of understanding in the Vedanta, then only we can share this knowledge with all the people who wish to know the real meaning of yoga and its practice.
We need to be humble, free from pride and arrogance. We need to be unattached towards all our action, practice, duty and responsibility, and renouncing the results or outcomes of our action and practice - the fruit of actions, such as the achievements of the students, praise and criticism, and be free from all kinds of expectation.
We need to know how to purify our own self (the mind), our thoughts, actions and speech, before we can guide the students to do so. Purification of the mind is the constant practice throughout the entire life existence every moment.
We need to eradicate lustful and evil thoughts, minimize our desires of craving and aversion, be able to confront with our own feelings and emotions without judgment, and eliminate the ego. Then only we can guide the students to do the same and help them in their daily practice.
We should be truthful and selfless in our everyday life, not just having an image of a yoga teacher in front of the students preaching truthfulness and selflessness, but then being untruthful and egoistic outside the classes. Then only the students can respect and practice the teachings of yoga that we deliver to them.
If we ourselves do not practice and inquire the truth of what the Scripture said or what our Guru taught us, then what are we teaching to the students in the yoga class actually?
Merely be able to perform many yoga asana postures and teaching others to do many yoga asana postures, but without practice Vedanta in everyday life, will not help ourselves and anyone else to come out from misery or suffering and to attain unconditional peace.
Some people complain that they are still very unhappy and didn't get any correct understanding about yoga after attending yoga classes for some time. Although they had been benefited from the yoga asana exercises to improve their physical strength and flexibility, fitness level and physical health condition, but they have no correct understanding towards the teachings of Vedanta, and hence, they don't know how to deal with difficulties, mental and emotional problems in life. Some even turned to alcohol and drugs to make themselves feel better by the end of the day, to get by everyday, by attaining the momentary numbness or excitement from the effect of the alcohol and drugs, to escape from their problems for a few moments.
After the effect of the alcohol and drugs fades away, they continue feeling dissatisfied, disappointed, depressed and unhappy with themselves, their lives, and other people and happenings in the world.
Some people are deeply unhappy and angry with the world and their lives. It's not their fault and there's nothing wrong. It's just that they don't know or don't understand what is going on in their minds. Many young people growing up being 'educated' to be angry, discriminating and hating towards certain things. Unless these minds be initiated to inquire into the truth of everything, and be free from the influence of particular selfish beings that has been manipulating them to think in certain way and to believe in certain things. Otherwise, the world will continue to be full of discrimination, prejudice and hatred. Some people are not interested in promoting peace and harmony among all beings, but only interested in hoarding and protecting their power and wealth.
By practicing the teachings of Vedanta in everyday life can help many people to free themselves (their minds) from the cause of misery, suffering, anger, disappointment, hurts, frustration and unhappiness, by knowing what is going on in their minds.
No doubt that after performing a well-paced and well-balanced yoga asana session completed with a final relaxation will induce a certain degrees of clarity, peacefulness or calmness into our minds and re-energizing the bodily system, and the body and the mind will feel good and fresh momentarily. But if without practicing the teachings of Vedanta in our daily lives, we will still be caught in worldly attachment, identification, desires of craving and aversion and expectation deriving from egoism and ignorance.
Our emotion is going up and down all the time, or the mind is in a state of restlessness being determined or influenced by the different desirable and undesirable experiences that we encounter every moments in life, of what the mind perceives through the senses.
We might still be unwittingly generating lots of evil and negative thoughts, performing ignorant actions and speaking ignorant speech out of ignorance.
This will continue to create further tension and negativity into our mind and the bodily system, as we continue getting caught up in the daily ups and downs in life, even though we have gained some benefits from doing the yoga asana and relaxation practice, and all these effects of the yoga asana and relaxation practice are impermanent.
When we go to a traditional yoga class, sometimes the teacher does not teach any yoga asana practice at all, but only giving discourse on the teachings of Vedanta or the mind purification techniques to the students which will benefit them in life. People who really want to practice yoga should make an effort to practice the teachings of Vedanta in their everyday life.
After some time, the students would realize that they have becoming happier, being more patient, wise and compassionate when dealing with the challenges in their everyday lives. They are more loving and kind when being with their family and friends. Their family and friends might also notice the changes in them and be influenced by their cheerfulness, tolerance, wisdom and compassion.
This is what we call the yoga practice or the right education.
It allows the people to know and change themselves, to have a little or significant positive changes in their thoughts, actions and speech. It removes their suffering deriving from ignorance, and bring peace and harmony into their lives. They know how to accept themselves as they are and accept everyone and everything as they are, even though nothing is perfect. They become selfless and understanding human beings full of compassion and have self-control all the time.
Everyone takes their own time to evolve. It doesn't matter slow or fast, but at least it is moving towards positive evolution.
There are some good and real yoga teachers out there. They know what they are doing and are propagating the real meaning of yoga to many people in the world, and helping the world to be a better and happier place for everyone to live in, to be sharing this space in the universe, selflessly.
I am thankful for them being in the world. I pay respect and bow to these great teachers.
May all beings attain true happiness and true freedom.
What is love if we have no patience and compassion?
Without patience and compassion, we will so easily be agitated when our loved ones don't do things that we like or agree with, and instead they do things that we don't like and don't agree with. We will be so irritated if they can't do what they have been asked to do on time or in the way that we wanted them to do it.
If we are selfish, and have no detachment from our likes and dislikes, we will be so unhappy if our loved ones are sick and not feeling well, and they need us to feed them, clean them and serve them, sacrificing our personal free time and to put aside the things that we are doing in order to take care of them.
We will also be unhappy if they are not as intelligent as we are and they are slow in learning and slow in motion. If we don't have patience, understanding, tolerance, acceptance, detachment and compassion then we will easily become angry if they do not meet our expectations.
Unconditional love consists of patience, forbearance, tolerance, forgive, selflessness, humility, generosity, perseverance, independence, equality, respect, trust, courage, faith, compassion, cheerfulness and not giving up.
A person without patience cannot be a good learner, good parent, good son or daughter, good husband or wife, good lover, good employer, good leader, good friend or good teacher.
We need to be able to forgive and be patient when our loved ones make mistakes (anyway who doesn't make mistakes, including our own selves) or when they haven't delivered what they promised.
When our loved ones fall sick we should be able to withstand discomfort and be tolerant and selfless. They depend on our love and cares; they need special attention throughout the day and night. We need to sacrifice our own free time, withstand tiredness and give our love and care without expecting any reward in return.
We should not be annoyed or frustrated (although it is normal to have feelings like these) when the sick person complains due to the extreme discomfort of sickness and when after taking so much medicine (drugs) they become very weak physically and emotionally. They might not have the same personality that they usually have. They may not be as cheerful and confident as they were.
We should be compassionate towards the fact that they are suffering pain and discomfort.
In extreme cases, we need to deal with shit, urine, blood, pus, bad smells, vomit and other difficult and challenging situations.
We should never forget our parents and should not abandon them to old folk's home when they are old and sick. That's the time we should give special attention to them no matter how hard it is and to repay their love and care for us when we were young and depended on their nurturing and guidance.
They are the people to whom we owe the greatest debt, and it doesn't matter if they scolded us often or spanked us in the past, or had high expectations of us, or we thought that they didn't love us at all - from our memories of the past when we were young.
But how can we remember everything that had happened so long ago? Usually we will only remember something that was very traumatic such like the pain and hatred that we had when we were being scolded, spanked, and were being restricted from doing things that we like. But we may have forgotten all the affections that our parents had gave us at other time beside all those "tortures", and forgot about their loving cares for us especially when we were sick.
Our parents had brought us up and take care of us when we were young and needed supervision. They had feed us, cleaned us, warmed our body when it was cold, cooled down our body when it was too hot. They had supported us, guided us, and encouraged us when we were growing into adulthood. They gave us extra love and care when we were sick. They even sucked the snot or phlegm out from our nose and mouth so that we would not choked or suffocated.
How could we show disgust and not care for them now, when they are old and sick, and need our love, special care and attention?
No wonder why many people always say that once we became parents having our own child then only we will know the love that our parents had gave us and we can understand the hardships that our parents had went through while having us as their children.
Only then we will be grateful and appreciate what our parents did for us in the past along with all the scoldings and spankings.
There's no meaning at all if we are kind and do a lot of good to other people, show love and care to our lover and friends, or show sympathy to the people that we don't know at all, but we cannot even forgive our own parents for those memories that they had hurt us, made us unhappy and suffered, and thus we are reluctant to show love to them and not want to care for them when they are old and sick.
A person who doesn't love and care for his own parents but doing lots of charity in the world and kind to others is not a noble person at all.
Indeed, when we renounce the world to concentrate on the spiritual path to attain enlightenment is the greatest gift and best repay for our parents' love and care. But that doesn't mean that we should ignore our parents and neglect them when they need care taking, while at the same time we are doing selfless karma Yoga in caring for others especially the old people and the sick people out there.
It doesn't matter if our parents had did something terribly wrong to us and had hurt our feelings deeply, we should be able to forgive them for whatever they did to us.
And we should show them love instead of continuous hatred. Because at the end they are just some other human beings that had did some mistakes in life.
If compassion and forgiveness are our motto and we are learning to forgive many other people out there who had intentionally or unintentionally hurt us, then why can't we forgive our parents as well?
We will not be regret if we can forgive the people (whom we felt angry and upset about in the past) at this present moment now and set ourselves free from the burden of anger, hatred and guilt.
We will get instant relief and have peace and love filling up our heart.
We can now move on in life without being disturbed by those unhappy old memories. They cannot affect our emotion anymore and we will be full of confidence to do what we want to do now.
But definitely we will be regret one day later when we realized that this is such a stupid ignorant action that we had hold on tightly for so long, making ourselves and the people who had hurt us feel so unhappy and not at peace in most of our life time for something that doesn't exist anymore.
And the people who we didn't forgive while they were still alive, will die without peace of mind because they didn't get forgiveness from us, unless they can't even remember or know that they had ever hurt us in the past.
This will continue to haunt us for the rest of our life if we cannot forgive and continue carrying the anger and hatred deep inside our heart, even though the people that we hate so much and angry about had passed away a long long time ago.
We ourselves are not at peace if we cannot forgive and let go the anger and hatred towards somebody. It doesn't matter whether those people know that they had hurt us or not.
And so, while these people are still around and we are still here, why not we forgive them and let them know by showing love and compassion towards them and everybody will be at peace instantly.
What is love when a person only wants to share happiness of others and cannot share their unhappiness?
It doesn't matter if it is a friendship, or a love relationship, or between parents and children, or between siblings.
Such like the parents will only like the children when they are well behave, happy without crying and do what the parents wanted them to do. But the parents will be angry and unhappy and don't like the children when they are naughty (normal behaviour - children cannot sit still and like to explore things and learn unless they are sick or having some kind of mental difficulty). Parents also don't like it when they are unhappy and crying (due to sickness and discomfort) and don't do the things that the parents wanted them to do (very normal and common).
Parents should understand that they don't own the children. Children have their own life and thinking. They have their own likes and dislikes, needs and wants.
Parents should take the responsibility to raise the children, give love and care, guide them and support them until they are independent in life. But not by restricting them to do what we want them to do and mould them into what we want them to be. And when the time comes, we have to let them go to live their own life.
If a person will only want to be with us while we are at good health, strong and in good mood to enjoy everything in life together but don't want to be with us when we are sick, need care taking and in bad mood, then this person is not a true friend at all because he or she is a selfish person and is not sincere.
A person has to be a true friend to the other person before he or she takes the commitment as the spouse or partner to that person, or being a parent, or being a son or a daughter, or being a good friend.
A friend who will try to avoid us or don't care for us while we are in distressed and need help, is not a true friend.
We should forgive these people also if one day we found out that they are not true friend and not being there for us when we needed them. Because we shouldn't have any expectation towards anybody or asking for love in return when we share and give love and care to someone.
In a love relationship, what is love if we are attracted to the beautiful appearance and sexuality of the other person and have intense desire to be with that person but we will not like to be with this person anymore when this external beauty changed and the sexuality is not there anymore due to illness, injury or old age?
If we fall in love with the personality, the look, the smell, the touch, the voice, and the thinking of a person, which are impermanent and always changing from time to time, and what will happen to this feeling of love when all these things or qualities that we loved so much about that person had changed and not the same anymore?
If we love someone when he or she is happy, charming and nice to us, but what happen to this feeling of love when he or she is unhappy, grumpy, not charming and don't have the mood and time to be nice to us?
Most of us will be feeling upset and don't like these changes very much, and will start generate hatred instead of love.
This type of love comes from the ego. It changes according to the likes and dislikes of the ego. Unfortunately the likes and dislikes of the ego is changing all the time. Today it likes someone with the qualities like this, and tomorrow it likes someone with the qualities like that. Or when the qualities that the ego likes very much about another person are not there anymore, the ego will be unhappy and doesn't like that.
That's why lots of people start to feel bored and not in love with their lover anymore after being together for some times. Because their ego is getting bored and want something else.
If we identified with our ego, we will be changing partner all the time, or into so many relationships and breaking up so many times.
If the love relationship is based on this type of love, it will not last long and will end up in painful sorrow.
How can we say we love someone if we only love that person when he or she is looking good, feeling good, and fulfill all our needs and wants, but we don't love he or she anymore and feeling disgust when he or she is not good looking, not feeling good and cannot fulfill our needs and wants anymore due to sickness or injury and instead we have to take care of his or her needs and wants? Or we don't like he or she anymore is merely because the change of his or her personality, which is very normal and common to all?
True love is unconditioned by the likes and dislikes of the ego.
It is selfless, ego-less, passionless and boundless.
This type of true love will only bring happiness to ourselves and others, and we shall be able to let go when the time comes and not generate any painful sorrow.
Because everything including good and happy relationship will have to come to an end in this temporary life time.
May we all enjoy and appreciate the good and happy relationships with our parents, children, spouse or partner, friends and anyone else. As well as our relationship with nature and the environment, including plants and animals.
We always take from nature but how often that we realize this, feel grateful and give back something nice to nature and care for the environment?
But before that, we must enjoy and appreciate being with our own self, and love ourselves and our life but remain humble and selfless towards other people.
Our knowledge in the world, skill in doing business and some other talents are not the factors that contribute to our true happiness and a good life.
A good life doesn't mean it has to be very comfortable or luxurious type of living, but having good friends, good relationships with everyone, good relationship with the environment and all the things in it, meeting nice people and feeling meaningful in life, fully utilise our knowledge and talent to help others and share joy and happiness.
It is our pure heart, sincerity, truthfulness, selflessness, wisdom, love and compassion that bring us true happiness and a good life. When we are kind to others, when we are generous to share with others, when we don't have bad thoughts or bad intentions towards others, when we don't have fear and worries, and then all the people that we meet and all the things that happen in our life will be kind to us and lead us to a meaningful and happy life.