be free, be happy, be peaceful

May all find the teacher within to guide oneself towards unconditional love and peace

Sunday, October 13, 2024

When the mind is lost and doesn't know what to think or do

In this present moment

Either standing, or sitting, or lying down, or being in any position that is comfortable

Closing the eyes gently

Staying still for a few moments

It's okay, if the body needs to move and change position

Focus on the space below the nostrils above the upper lip

Be aware of the breathing

Be aware of the air coming in and going out

The air coming in is slightly cold

The air coming out is slightly warm

The mind might wander away

It's okay

Gently bring the mind back onto the breath

No matter how many times the mind wanders away

Gently bring the mind back onto the breath

If the breath is slow, let it be slow

If the breath is fast, let it be fast

If the breath stops coming and going, let it be

Allowing the breath to be what it is

Allowing the mind to be what it is

No judgment

No expectation

It's okay, if the mind is lost in this present moment

It's okay, if the mind doesn't know what to think or do in this present moment

All and everything are impermanent

The breath is impermanent

The calmed or disturbed state of mind is impermanent

The comfortable and uncomfortable sensations are impermanent

The positive or negative thinking is impermanent

The pleasant or unpleasant feelings and emotions are impermanent

The good and bad experiences are impermanent

No clinging towards what is here, that is pleasant and agreeable

No aversion towards something that is here, that is unpleasant and disagreeable

No craving towards something that is not here

Even this, is impermanent.

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

The essential practice of non-identification

The practice of non-attachment or non-grasping is being reflected in the practice of non-identification, or letting go the existing identification with all kinds of worldly identities/duties/responsibilities/ties and connections, even though one still have to keep the worldly identities to be living and moving in this world that is run by minds that are functioning under the influence of ignorance and egoism, as well as to be carrying out certain actions, duties, and responsibilities towards oneself and/or others in this selfless life existence.

Similarly, the practice of non-attachment is being reflected in the practice of letting go the desires of craving and aversion, comparison, judgment, and expectation.

They all are different names and forms, but they are non-separated and non-distinctive from one another.

The thinning-out and the annihilation of the ego (the idea of 'I') and egoism, is about weakening and starving the idea of 'I', attachment, identification, desires of craving and aversion, comparison, judgment, and expectation, until all these names and forms are completely vanished from the selfless modification of the mind.


A 'mind that is functioning under the idea of I and us' would react and feel greatly disturbed and hurt by something that the mind recognized as something offensive/humiliating/disrespectful/hurtful that is happening unto 'me/I/us/mine/ours', while it doesn't react or feel the same if there is the similar thing that is happening unto some others but not 'me/I/us/mine/ours'.

The mind that is identifying with a particular 'nationality', 'ethnicity', 'spirituality', 'culture', 'belief', 'community', 'family', 'relationship', 'title/status', 'specie', 'gender', and etc, will be determined and disturbed greatly by something unpleasant, undesirable, disagreeable, and hurtful that is directing towards that particular nation, ethnic, spirituality, culture, belief, community, family, relationship, title/status, specie, or gender, while it will be either being undetermined and undisturbed, or less determined and less disturbed by the similar thing that is happening unto other nations, other ethnics, other spiritualities, other cultures, other beliefs, other communities, other families, other relationships, other titles/status, other species, or other genders, that it doesn't identifying with.

A 'member of a family' would react and feel greatly disturbed and offended by something that the mind recognized as offensive/humiliating/disrespectful/hurtful that is happening unto 'my family', while it doesn't react or feel the same if there is the similar thing that is happening unto some other families but not 'my family'.

A 'member of a community' would react and feel greatly offended by something that the mind recognized as offensive/humiliating/disrespectful/hurtful that is directing towards 'my community', while it doesn't react or feel the same if there is the similar thing that is directing towards some other communities but not 'my community'.

A 'mind that is identifying with a particular ethnicity/nationality/spirituality/culture/belief' would react and feel greatly offended and disturbed by something that the mind recognized as offensive/humiliating/disrespectful/hurtful that is directing towards 'my ethnic/nation/spirituality/culture/belief', while it doesn't react or feel the same if there is the similar thing that is directing towards some other ethnics/nations/spiritualities/cultures/beliefs that is not 'my ethnicity/nation/spirituality/culture/belief'.

A 'mind that is identifying as a human being' would react and feel greatly offended by something that the mind recognized as offensive/destructive/damaging/hurtful that is happening unto 'human beings', while it doesn't react or feel the same if there is the similar thing that is happening unto some other beings/things but not 'human beings'.

A 'mind that is identifying with all living beings' would react and feel greatly offended by something that the mind recognized as offensive/destructive/damaging/hurtful that is happening unto 'any living beings', while it doesn't react or feel the same if there is the similar thing that is directing unto something that is not 'all living beings'.

A 'mind that is identifying with all are one in this universe, and this is our universe' would react and feel greatly disturbed by something that the mind recognized as offensive/destructive/damaging/hurtful that is happening unto 'our universe', while it doesn't react or feel the same if there is the similar thing that is happening unto some other universe but not 'our universe'.

A 'mind that is identifying with goodness and righteousness' would react and feel greatly disturbed and offended by something that the mind recognized as 'badness' and wrongfulness', that is contradicting with what the mind thinks and believes and categorizes as 'goodness' and 'righteousness'.

It is not any of the names and forms that has the quality or intention to be something 'disturbing or non-disturbing', 'disagreeable or agreeable', 'good or bad', 'right or wrong', 'positive or negative', and 'meaningful or meaningless'. It is how the mind thinks, reasons, understands, identifying/non-identifying with, values, desires, behaves, acts, and reacts towards all and everything upon perceiving/experiencing/coming in contact with all kinds of names and forms.


Inquire towards the truth of selflessness and impermanence.

There is no 'I' existing to be identifying with any names and forms.

One will not be determined or disturbed by all kinds of activities and their consequences deriving from the minds functioning under the influence of ignorance and egoism, while one performs one's existing duties and responsibilities, and necessary actions that will benefit all and everyone and everything, without attachment, identification, desires of craving and aversion, comparison, judgment, or expectation, and devoid of all kinds of impurities and restlessness, of selfishness, possessiveness, discontentment, greed, separateness, discrimination, pride, superiority, inferiority, offensiveness, defensiveness, unhappiness, disappointment, hurt, anger, hatred, cruelty, or violence.

The minds that are functioning under the influence of ignorance and egoism, are similar to the wild animals. Wild animals are neither something good nor bad. They are just being what they are. They can be very calmed, contented, happy, and 'cute' at certain time, and they can be extremely disturbed, restless, violent, and hurtful at some other times. There is neither right nor wrong. It is just the truth of what things are, and being what they are.

Most minds are being conditioned by the world of ignorance and egoism to be developing and empowering a strong identification with certain identities under certain names and forms, that empowers pride, possessiveness, selfishness, protectiveness, separateness, discrimination, superiority, inferiority, submissiveness, blind-following, blind-believing, blind-practicing, blind-propagating, non-questioning the leader/authority/authorization/parent/elder/teacher/teachings/belief, non-inquiring the truth of everything, story telling, lies, white lies, hypocrisy, slander, manipulation, temptation, threat, bully, exploitation, violence, force, cruelty, fear, insecurity, discontentment, greed, hoarding, endless desires and ambitions, and etc (the absence of peace).

There are many minds don't like and don't want peace, where they enjoy unrest/restlessness, and want to create unrest and empower restlessness. That's their freedom of likes and dislikes, desire and don't desire. 

The minds that embrace and appreciate peace, they don't need to be determined and disturbed by the likes and dislikes/desires and don't desires or the restlessness of the other minds.

The mind that understands, it is not being determined or disturbed by the ignorance and the consequences of ignorance of the others.

The empowerment of the ego and egoism, or the development and empowerment of attachment, identification, desire of craving and aversion, comparison, judgment, and expectation, is something common and normal in most family upbringing, school education, tribe, community, organization, work place, friends circle, social networking, business, commercialism, gangs, politics, spirituality, belief, or any kind of management/leadership/authorization, for them to survive, sustain, and expand, to be in control, or to be in power.

Yoga and buddhism practice is all about freeing the mind from all that.


The minds that are free from ignorance and egoism, they have the clarity of thinking and reasoning, correct understanding, truthfulness, desirelessness, respect towards the truth of selflessness and impermanence governed by the nature's law of cause and effect, self-awareness, self-management, self-control, self-independence, unconditional peace, and unconditional non-discriminating kindness/generosity/accommodation towards all and everything of all kinds of diversities in the world that doesn't belong to anyone.

They don't interfere with all the others being what they are.

They don't claim ownership and authorization.

They don't need to control others to be or not to be in certain way.

They are not being influenced by others to be or not to be in certain way.

They just stay away from the minds that are functioning under the influence of ignorance and egoism as much as possible, not wasting energy into dealing with ignorant affairs, while conserving energy to be performing actions that might help to bring more peace, wisdom, and kindness into the surrounding environment.

Be free.

Monday, October 7, 2024

Even this, is impermanent

No matter how much painful suffering that the mind is perceiving/experiencing in this present moment now, regardless of whether it's the physical/mental/emotional suffering of oneself, or it's being empathetic towards the suffering of the many others in this world of diversity that doesn't belong to anyone, just remember this, "Regardless of whether it's something pleasant or unpleasant, desirable or undesirable, agreeable or disagreeable, and enjoyable or painful, all are impermanent."

One can choose to perform or not performing certain action that is possible, that might or might not avoid, or minimize, or reduce the suffering in oneself or in others, without attachment, identification, desire of craving and aversion, judgment, and expectation.

There is neither right nor wrong.

If one chooses to perform certain action that is possible, that might or might not help to avoid/minimize/reduce the many unnecessary suffering in the world of ignorance and egoism, then just do one's best, and let it go.

Even this, is impermanent.

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

What or how to perform self-inquiry to attain self-realization

Self-inquiry and self-realization will be happening naturally and effortlessly under an open mind devoid of attachment, identification, desire of craving and aversion, judgment, and expectation (egoistic thoughts activities), that is pure (devoid of impurities or ignorant egoistic corrupted thinking, reasoning, understanding, aspirations, actions, and reactions under the influence of particular worldly cultural/social/spiritual/educational/national/political/commercial ideas, thinking, belief/disbelief, values, ambitions, visions, and practice) and calm/quiet (devoid of restlessness/disturbance/desires).

Without an open mind devoid of impurities and restlessness, self-inquiry and self-realization cannot happen even under great initiation (suffering/limitation/lack of freedom/the sense of emptiness or meaninglessness/doubt/curiosity), great intention (desire or yearning towards liberation/knowledge), or great effort (all kinds of practices or methods), as the mind reasons and judges everything based on the existing worldly egoistic thinking, knowledge, ideas, belief, values, and practice in the mind, as well as acts and reacts under the influence of the impure restless disturbed state of mind.

Under a pure, calm/quiet, and opened mind (the selfless reflector that reflects everything as it is, selflessly and intentionlessly), the truth of everything will be reflected as it is (seeing the truth of everything, as it is - Impermanence and Selflessness).

There is no 'I'. There is no 'not I'.

There is no "I am." There is no "I am not."

There is no "I am reflecting the truth of everything."

There is no "I reflect", "I realize", or "I know".

There is no separateness of subject (the one that reflects) and object (the one that is being reflected) and knowledge (the subject knowing the object).

There is no separateness of the knower and the knowledge.


The main teachings of yoga and buddhism - Impermanence and Selflessness

The direct realization and understanding towards Impermanence and Selflessness will simultaneously lead to the realization and understanding towards -

Timelessness - There is neither past nor future. There is only NOW, and all that is in NOW, is changing.

All kinds of transitions (impermanent changes) in different realms (different modifications/states of mind) is happening in NOW.

Time is merely the reflection of ceaseless impermanent changes/movements/distances in NOW.

Realms are the reflection of the different modifications/states of mind in NOW.

Countless births and deaths are happening in NOW, in this selfless physical body, in this selfless modification of the selfless mind, in all kinds of selfless names and forms.

The selfless body with the selfless thinking mind (selfless names and forms) is undergoing selfless impermanent changes, or undergoing ceaseless births and deaths in different realms, in NOW.

There is no 'I' in this selfless existence and function of the selfless body with the selfless function of the selfless perceptive thinking mind undergoing all these selfless impermanent changes, a.k.a. ceaseless births and deaths in different realms.

The selfless body and mind (and all kinds of names and forms) is subject to selfless impermanent changes, decay, death, or mortality (finite existence). There is no 'I' that is mortal (finite existence) or immortal (infinite existence) existing in the selfless body and mind, or in any kind of names and forms.

Which also lead to the realization and understanding of all these different names and forms that are non-distinctive or non-separated from one another -













Unconditional peace

Form is emptiness, emptiness is form

Form is non-distinctive from emptiness, emptiness is non-distinctive from form

No gain, no loss

No increase, no decrease

No purity, no impurity

No wisdom, no gain of wisdom

No ignorance, no end of ignorance

No suffering, no end of suffering

No liberation, no gain of liberation


Purify the mind.

Discipline the mind.

Quiet the mind.

Letting go all that is in the mind.

Non-blind believing

Non-blind following

Non-blind practicing

Non-blind propagating

Inquire/reflect the truth of everything.

Be free.


The process of letting go all that is in the selfless modification of the selfless mind (non-grasping/non-attachment/non-association/non-identification/non-possession/non-interference towards all and everything), could be effortless, or could be extremely difficult and even painful for the mind, depending on the different degrees of ignorance.

The mind that is in a state of disturbance or painful suffering, might think, "I am already in great pain. I want to be free from pain. I do not want to go through more pain," or, "I want to be free from pain. I am already in great pain. Any more pain (inevitable difficulties) makes no difference. I will endure any inevitable pain (difficulties) if that will make me be free from pain."

It's the freedom of the mind towards what it wants and doesn't want.

There's neither good nor bad, neither right nor wrong.

Monday, September 9, 2024

Be free from fear, worry, and the sense of insecurity through understanding

Just like all the other kind of impurities or thought activities in the modification of the mind, fear, worry, and the sense of insecurity are selfless and impermanent.

All kinds of impurities or thought activities are not 'I', and they are impermanent.

All kinds of impurities or thought activities are just what they are. They are neither good nor bad, neither positive nor negative, and neither right nor wrong, especially if there is certain degrees of self-awareness, correct understanding, non-attachment, non-identification, non-craving, non-aversion, non-comparison, non-judgment, and non-expectation in the thinking mind, where the mind is aware of all these impurities or thought activities (regardless of whether they are pleasant or unpleasant/desirable or undesirable) arising, changing, and passing away in the selfless impermanent modification of the mind, without attachment, identification, craving, aversion, comparison, judgment, or expectation towards all kinds of impurities or thought activities that are selfless and impermanent.

Such minds have self-control of not being over-powered by any kinds of impurities/feelings/emotions/ideas (thought activities) that ceaselessly coming and going in the mind, and not generating any actions/reactions/speech/expression under the influence of impurities or thought activities in the modification of the mind that are selfless and impermanent, that would hurt oneself and/or others and the surrounding environment.

It is only when the mind is functioning under the veil of ignorance and egoism, where the mind doesn't know what is non-attachment, non-identification, non-craving, non-aversion, non-comparison, non-judgment, and non-expectation, and hence, the mind is being determined and over-powered by all kinds of impurities or thought activities, and would generate actions/reactions/speech/expression under the influence of impurities or thought activities in the modification of the mind, that might hurt oneself and/or others and the surrounding environment.

Like all kinds of impurities/feelings/emotions/ideas (thought activities) in the mind, the presence of fear, worry, and the sense of insecurity in the modification of the mind is something normal and common in most minds. However, if without correct understanding, self-awareness, and self-control, the mind will be over-whelmed and over-powered by the presence of fear, worry, and the sense of insecurity, that gives rise to all kinds of unnecessary unrest, violence, and cruelty in the world of diversity that doesn't belong to anyone, that is related to selfishness, pride, possessiveness, hoarding, greed, separateness, discrimination, anger, hatred, offensiveness, defensiveness, and so on.

Many minds would think and believe that by acquiring and possessing success and wealth will chase away fear, worry, and the sense of insecurity, but it doesn't.

If without correct understanding, even the wealthiest and most successful or powerful people in the world are also being over-powered by fear, worry, and the sense of insecurity, being the slaves of all kinds of impurities. Those that are free from fear, worry, and the sense of insecurity, they are devoid of discontentment and greed, and they wouldn't be hoarding wealth that gives them the status of wealthiness, that they don't need at all, even if they are highly successful and capable of generating abundant wealth, but they would be using their generated wealth to benefit all the others. However, most minds in the world are not in having such understanding. That's why the world is being what it is, full of all kinds of unnecessary selfishness, discrimination, hatred, unrest, corruption, violence, and cruelty.

The minds that are functioning under the influence of ignorance and egoism, that are being over-powered by all kinds of impurities or thought activities in the modification of the mind, would attack and hurt some others out of selfishness, pride, possessiveness, hoarding, greed, separateness, discrimination, anger, hatred, offensiveness, defensiveness, and so on, under the presence and influence of fear, worry, and the sense of insecurity, even when others have no intention to hurt anyone or anything.

The minds that have correct understanding towards the selfless impermanent modification of the mind, they understand that fear, worry, and the sense of insecurity towards certain outcome or reality that might be unpleasant or undesirable don't and won't change the outcome or reality being what it is, but they are the unnecessary hindrance that would affect/impact/disturb/limit/oppress/reduce the performance of the body and mind while performing certain actions or activities, which definitely will hinder the body and mind to perform at its highest and possible ability, that would affect and determine the outcome/the result/the fruit of action/the reality.

Since fear, worry, and the sense of insecurity doesn't change the outcome/reality to be something else that it is not, or it doesn't help to make the outcome/reality to become better than what it is, but it would definitely affect/impact/limit the action in the present moment to be less efficient/productive than what it could be, that influences and determines the outcome/reality to be less efficient/desirable than what it could be, and hence, why still entertain and empower the presence of fear, worry, and the sense of insecurity, allowing fear, worry, and the sense of insecurity to affect and over-power oneself and one's performance? Under such understanding, the presence of fear, worry, and the sense of insecurity will become less and less, and eventually, it will vanish from the modification of the mind.

All types of yoga practice require attentiveness. Being attentive and careful while performing any actions, duties, and responsibilities will minimize or avoid many unnecessary energy wasting, mistakes, damages, or injuries. Fear, worry, and the sense of insecurity doesn't and cannot exist upon the mind is being fully attentive/focused/concentrated towards what is in now, in the present moment.

Fear and worry doesn't exist in the mind that knows and respects the truth of selflessness and impermanence, where there is no past or future, there is only now. One can do one's best in whatever one is doing, while allowing the fruit of action being what it is. There is no attachment or identification towards the action and the fruit of action. That is freedom.

Inquire the truth of everything, and be free.

Sunday, September 1, 2024

The absence of fear vs the presence of courage

There's neither right nor wrong with the many different 'approaches' for the different minds functioning under different degrees of understanding towards oneself, or towards the selfless modification of the mind, in order to deal with certain things in the body and mind, or in life, that are not necessarily the way that they would like it to be.

Many positive empowerment training workshops in the world is about countering what the minds perceived and recognized as fear/weakness/negativity/inferiority/dissatisfaction/unhappiness/low self-esteem/lack of confidence/non-accomplishment/meaninglessness with developing/empowering/achieving/possessing the opposite of that, a.k.a. courage/strength/positivity/superiority/satisfaction/happiness/high self-esteem/high confidence/accomplishment/meaningfulness.

That might give the mind some momentary relief from certain states of the mind or conditions/limitations/shortcomings that are not how the mind would like it to be, but that doesn't really free the mind from continuously be determined/conditioned by the mind perception of duality, or the selfless impermanent qualities of names and forms, to be identifying as who/what they are.

As even all kinds of so called 'good', 'positive', 'righteous', or 'superior' qualities, are also conditional, and impermanent, that will increase or decrease being conditioned/influenced by the different experiences, situations, or physical/mental conditions that are impermanent.

The presence/development/empowerment/possession of high degrees of courage doesn't necessarily correlate with the absence of fear.

The teachings and practice of yoga and buddhism, is to free the mind from all that, or to free the mind from being determined/conditioned/limited by the mind perception of duality or the selfless impermanent qualities of names and forms, by going beyond or transcending all kinds of duality via non-attachment, non-identification, non-craving, non-aversion, non-comparison, non-judgment, and non-expectation.

It's not about the presence/development/empowerment/achievement/possession of what the passionate egoistic minds perceived and recognized as courage/strength/positivity/superiority/satisfaction/happiness/high self-esteem/high confidence/accomplishment/meaningfulness.

It's about the absence of attachment/identification/craving towards all those 'good'/'higher'/'superior'/'top' qualities that most minds like and desire to be identifying as who/what they are, as well as the absence of attachment/identification/aversion towards what the mind perceived and recognized as the opposite of all that, a.k.a. fear/weakness/negativity/inferiority/dissatisfaction/unhappiness/low self-esteem/lack of confidence/non-accomplishment/meaninglessness, that most minds don't like and don't desire to be identifying with as who/what they are.

Courage is useless or needless, upon the absence of fear. So as positivity and the sense of meaningfulness is useless or needless, upon the absence of negativity and the sense of meaninglessness.

All that can be eliminated from the selfless modification of the mind via the annihilation of ignorance, the idea of 'I', and egoism.

Upon the annihilation of ignorance and egoism, devoid of the idea of 'I', attachment, identification, desire of craving and aversion, comparison, judgment, and expectation, or upon the mind transcends all kinds of duality or the mind perception of selfless impermanent qualities of names and forms, there is no need to have the presence of something good/positive/superior to counter something bad/negative/inferior that doesn't exist in the mind at all. Such mind doesn't need to be empowered, to be strong, to be positive, or to be confident.

Even when the selfless modification of the mind is still not yet completely be free from being determined by duality or the mind perception of names and forms, where there is fear, or some other kind of impurities arising and occupying in the mind, from time to time, that's okay too, as the mind that has certain degrees of correct understanding towards itself, or towards the selfless modification of the mind, where the mind is endowed with certain degrees of non-attachment, non-identification, non-craving, non-aversion, non-comparison, non-judgment, and non-expectation, this mind will be aware of what is going on in the modification of the mind, without attachment, identification, craving, aversion, comparison, judgment, or expectation, while allowing the thought activities (regardless of what the mind perceived and recognized as something good or bad/positive or negative/superior or inferior/agreeable or disagreeable) to be arising, changing, and passing away, as they are, without being over-powered by all these selfless impermanent thought activities of different qualities of names and forms arising and passing away, knowing that all these desirable and undesirable, or pleasant and unpleasant different qualities of names and forms in the mind, are all selfless and impermanent. All these different qualities of names and forms are not 'I', and there is no 'I'.

Inquire the truth of everything, and be free.

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Beyond confidence

What make a person truly confident?

Nameless and formless confidence manifests naturally and effortlessly, upon the mind accepts and loves itself unconditionally, as it is. Such mind doesn't need to be confident or portray confidence.

This person doesn't need to show or prove to oneself or the world about, "I am confident."

This person doesn't need any attention, liking, support, agreement, acknowledgement, approval, affirmation, praise, and compliment coming from anyone about, "I am good enough to be confident."

This person doesn't need to be confident, to feel confident, to look confident, or to speak, stand, walk, sit, pose, or present oneself in front of the world confidently, not to say, to attend 'confidence boosting workshop/training', or to be inspired and empowered, to become a highly confident person, or to boost the existing confidence level to become 'more' confident than what it is.

Confidence doesn't come from learning, or training, or pretending.

True confidence doesn't come from desirable physical and mental condition/appearance/abilities/achievements, family or social background, social and financial status, family ties, relationship and friendship, social interaction activities, accumulated knowledge/experience/success/accomplishment, level of education and intelligence, talents or super extraordinary talents, and etc.

Confidence doesn't come from the presence and absence of any particular name and form, not to say, it doesn't come from participating in any kind of confidence empowerment workshop or training.

Confidence doesn't come from thinking, believing, acknowledging, affirming, projecting, and identifying as, "I am super confident."

If a person needs to attend certain kind of confidence empowerment workshop or training, then, no matter how many times and how much one has been undergoing such confidence empowerment training, trying to learn to become confident, to be getting deserving acceptance, appreciation, acknowledgement, recognition, liking, love, praise, and compliment from oneself and all the others about, "Yes. I am now good enough to be accepted and loved by myself and everyone else, and hence, I am a highly confident person," and presents oneself 'confidently' in front of the mirror or to the world based on what the mind thinks and believes as 'confidence', confidence will still be non-existing in this person.

One just need to stop trying to be good and successful enough in order to be able to accept and love oneself, to be proud of oneself, and to make other people to be proud of oneself, or to be 'deserving' to be getting attention, love, liking, support, agreement, acceptance, acknowledgement, recognition, approval, affirmation, praise, and compliment from all and everyone, and unconditional confidence will manifest as it is, naturally and effortlessly.

It's not about being dissatisfied with oneself in this present moment, and trying to become someone else that one is not, but having the self-awareness towards knowing what is one's strength and weakness, working on improving what is possible to be improved, and allowing impermanent changes and improvement to be happening as they are, without attachment, identification, craving, aversion, comparison, judgment, or expectation.

Being confident doesn't mean being strong, or tough, or aggressive.

Confidence doesn't mean that one can do and achieve everything that one would like to do and achieve. It's about one is not being determined or defined by what one can do or cannot do, and can achieve or cannot achieve. One doesn't need to feel and be proud of oneself, and doesn't need other people to feel and be proud of oneself.

When the mind has gone beyond all kinds of qualities of names and forms that are selfless and impermanent, when the mind is no longer being determined by any selfless impermanent quality of names and forms to be "I", or "who/what I am", then, the nameless and formless confidence will be there, as it is, without the mind thinking, believing, acknowledging, affirming, projecting, and identifying as "I am super confident."

Pride and arrogance, shame and humility, or envy and jealousy, don't exist in such mind.

Success and failure, achievement and non-achievement, or superiority and inferiority, mean nothing to such mind.

One is neither lack of confidence (I think I am not good enough and undeserving) nor full of confidence (I think I am good enough and highly deserving).

One is beyond what the worldly passionate egoistic minds think and believe as 'confidence'.

Such mind doesn't admire or look down on anyone.

Such mind doesn't even compare or compete with itself, not to say, to be comparing and competing with anyone else, even when one is actively engaging in certain kind of competitive competition.

Such mind never stop improving itself even when it is resting in contentment and is being comfortable with itself, as it is (NOT because it is discontented with itself, thinking and believing that itself is 'not good enough', or 'never good enough', or 'non-deserving'), and it does its best in whatever it is pursuing, without forcing itself beyond its limitation, without fear, without expectation, and it allows and respects the fruit of action being what it is, being undetermined by the action and the fruit of action.

Inquire towards the truth of everything, and be free.

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Acceptance and unconditional loving kindness doesn't mean that one must be engaging in a form of relationship with all and everyone

Some minds misunderstood that acceptance and unconditional loving kindness is about (continuing) to be engaging in a form of relationship/family ties/connection/life sharing or physical and mental interaction with some others (including one's close family members, life partner, relatives and friends), even if there is the presence of certain regular/ongoing/repetitive intentional and random abusive hurtful damaging behavior/action/reaction deriving from the disturbed/confused/violent/suffering/restless/offensive/defensive/possessive state of mind under the influence of ignorance/egoism/impurities/restlessness, or mental deformity/limitation/illness. Or, in another term, allowing/supporting/empowering/giving opportunities to others to be continuously generating abusive hurtful damaging physical and mental behavior/action/reaction out of ignorance/egoism/impurities/restlessness or disturbed state of mind/mental illness that cause intentional and random hurtful damages/suffering unto oneself and others and the surrounding environment that doesn't belong to anyone, that is evitable, that can be avoided.

The presence/existence of acceptance and unconditional loving kindness in the mind towards all and everyone in this world of selfless impermanent names and forms, is about one is resting in unconditional peace not being disturbed or determined by the ignorance of others. It doesn't mean that this mind needs to be engaging in a form of relationship/family ties/connection/life sharing or physical and mental interaction with all and everyone that are existing selflessly and impermanently in this world that doesn't belong to anyone.

Not engaging in any form of relationship/family ties/connection/life sharing or physical and mental interaction with anyone, it doesn't mean that acceptance and unconditional loving kindness is absent/non-existing in the mind. It doesn't mean that one doesn't or cannot accept/respect/love and be kind to others unconditionally for being what they are, as they are.

Acceptance and unconditional loving kindness, where oneself has the correct understanding that allows oneself to accept/respect/love and be kind towards all beings/minds as they are, that gives rise to unconditional peace in oneself under the presence of non-discrimination/non-aversion/non-violence/non-judgment/non-interference (the absence of discrimination/aversion/violence/judgment/interference) towards all the other beings/minds that are functioning/thinking/reasoning/understanding/feeling/desiring/behaving/acting/reacting under the influence of ignorance/egoism/impurities/restlessness, or mental deformity/limitation/illness, it doesn't mean that one should (continuing) be engaging in a form of relationship/family ties/connection/life sharing or physical and mental interaction with all the others (including one's existing close family members, life partner, relatives and friends), that involve(s) certain regular/ongoing/repetitive intentional and random abusive hurtful damaging behavior/action/reaction deriving from the disturbed/confused/violent/suffering/restless/offensive/defensive/possessive state of mind, or mental deformity/limitation/illness.

One has the freedom of choice to move away from such beings/minds as much as possible, to NOT allowing/supporting/empowering/giving opportunities to these beings/minds to be continuously generating abusive hurtful damaging physical and mental behavior/action/reaction out of ignorance/egoism/impurities/restlessness/disturbed state of mind/mental illness that cause intentional and random hurtful damages/suffering unto oneself and others and the surrounding environment that doesn't belong to anyone.

One is not being disturbed or determined by the hurtful damaging behavior/action/reaction of the others, understanding that all those beings/minds that are behaving/acting/reacting in a hurtful damaging way towards themselves/others/the surrounding environment is due to the presence of ignorance/mental illness, while respecting/allowing all beings/minds to be what they are, as they are, without discrimination/aversion/violence/judgment/interference towards all those beings/minds that are functioning/thinking/reasoning/understanding/feeling/desiring/behaving/acting/reacting under the influence of ignorance/egoism/impurities/restlessness, or mental deformity/limitation/illness, but one doesn't need to be staying/standing there, not moving away from such beings/minds and their intentional and random abusive hurtful damaging behavior/action/reaction.

More importantly, one is free from the influence of ignorance/egoism/impurities/restlessness, where one has the clarity of thinking and peace in the mind deriving from the presence of correct understanding (the absence of ignorance/egoism/impurities/restlessness or mental illness), and hence, one doesn't behave/act/react in a hurtful damaging way that hurt oneself and others and the surrounding environment that doesn't belong to anyone.

Even if one is aware of oneself is inevitably functioning under the influence of ignorance/egoism/impurities/restlessness, or is suffering from certain kind of mental deformity/limitation/illness, it's okay, be kind to oneself, accept that this mind is not perfect, that it is unwell, while without discrimination, aversion, or judgment towards oneself (the selfless mind) that is unwell, but, under the presence of certain degrees of precious self-awareness (being aware of the state of oneself/the state of mind, or what is going on in the modification of one's mind), being aware of oneself might be behaving/acting/reacting in certain way that would cause hurtful damaging consequences unto oneself and/or others, that is evitable, that can be avoided, this mind can have self-initiative and self-effort to start looking after the well-being of itself (the selfless thinking faculty or the selfless perceptive cognitive intellectual emotional thinking and acting mind), so that this mind would minimize or avoid hurting oneself and/or others.

One doesn't and cannot interfere with all the others being what they are, as they are, or control/discipline/transform the others to be or not to be in certain way, but one can have self-awareness, self-control, self-initiative, self-effort, self-discipline, and determination, to be undergoing self-transformation or mind purification process (changing one's mind's behavior pattern, or modifying/quieting the modification of one's mind, or thinning-out/annihilating ignorance, egoism, impurities and restlessness in the mind), or even, attaining the ultimate direct self-realization towards the truth of selflessness.

However, many minds, including those that are highly educated, talented, intelligent, knowledgeable, and so called highly successful, accomplished, influential, and powerful in this world, might have lost or don't have that certain degrees of essential self-awareness, of knowing what is going on in themselves, where the mind is completely ignorant towards the presence of ignorance/egoism/impurities/restlessness/mental illness in themselves, where one doesn't have the clarity of thinking and peace in the mind, being over-powered by the intense ignorance/egoism/impurities/restlessness or mental deformity/limitation/illness, and hence, one would constantly behave/act/react in a hurtful damaging way that hurt oneself and others and the surrounding environment that doesn't belong to anyone, either intentionally or randomly. The ongoing and endless unrest, selfishness, greed, discrimination, exploitation, violence, self-harm, harm others, and cruelty in the world that doesn't belong to anyone, is a reflection of the existence of many minds that are unwell.

Be understanding and be kind towards all these disturbed restless suffering minds, by not being disturbed or determined by these minds and their disturbing hurtful damaging behavior/action/reaction, by NOT allowing/supporting/empowering/giving opportunities to these minds to continuously generate hurtful damaging behavior/action/reaction unto oneself by moving away from these minds as much as possible, while allowing them to be aware of what is going on in themselves, or not, and whether they will help and look after themselves, or not. As none can remove the ignorance/suffering for another, not even one's close family members/life partner/relatives/friends, but only by oneself through one's own self-awareness, freewill, self-initiative, self-effort, self-control, self-discipline, and determination.

The sincere yoga practitioners renounced all kinds of worldly relationships/family ties/connections/interactions, including the non-problematic ones, not to say, relationships/family ties/connections/interactions that involves intentional and random abusive hurtful damaging behavior, in order to be looking after the over-all well-being of oneself, before one can help those that one loves and cares very much, that also need to know how to help themselves and look after the over-all well-being of themselves.

That's why don't wait until the mind loses that certain degrees of precious self-awareness. One must be able to help oneself, as none can help oneself if one loses or doesn't have the basic ability/awareness to help oneself, even if help from others is always available.

Upon attaining direct self-realization towards the truth of selflessness, a.k.a timelessness, oneness, non-separateness, namelessness, formlessness, attributelessness, birthlessness, and deathlessness, all kinds of myths, fairy tales, white lies, or superstitions created by the minds that were/are functioning under the veil of ignorance, egoism, impurities, and restlessness, with the intention to sow fear and temptation in other minds, to be tempting, threatening, intimidating, exploiting, bullying, and oppressing other minds, in order to gain certain power of control towards other minds to be or not to be in certain way in accordance to their own selfish desires and don't desires, regardless of whether it's within a family or a community, will all dissolve and disappear from the mind.

Such mind is fearless and peaceful as it is, regardless of the existence of all kinds of man made madness in this world, while respecting the law of nature and all kinds of selfless impermanent changes as they are, devoid of the idea of 'I' and the egoistic attachment, identification, desire of craving and aversion, judgment, or expectation. That is liberation.

Inquire the truth of everything, and be free.

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

It's one's own responsibility towards all one's actions and reactions

"It's you and your actions, that is responsible for the state of my mind, that is responsible for why I feel disturbed, hurt, disappointed, and angry, as well as be responsible for why and how I react with damaging and hurtful behavior towards you out of my disturbed, hurt, disappointed, and angry state of mind that is caused by you and your actions. You need to be responsible for your actions. You are responsible for the state of my mind. My mind is in a state of disturbance, hurt, disappointment, and anger, as well as my violent hurtful actions and reactions towards you and your actions, is all due to you and your actions."

Inquire towards this common understanding and reaction of the many minds in this world, where the minds react and feel disturbed, hurt, disappointed, and angry, upon coming in contact with certain actions/reactions/expressions/speech/behaviors of some others that the mind perceives and recognizes as disturbing, hurtful, disappointing, or anger deserving, that it thinks and believes as what is responsible for the reactions from the others.

It's true that all and everyone is responsible for one's own actions and the consequences of one's actions.

But one must also understand that one's own reactions, or how oneself (chooses to) reacts towards the actions and reactions of the others and their consequences, or towards whatever one perceives and experiences, it's also one's own responsibility.

All and everyone are responsible for their own actions and reactions, as well as the consequences of all that.

It's one's own freedom of choice under the influence of one's own understanding and non-understanding, towards all one's actions and reactions, and be responsible for the consequences of that, as well as be responsible towards the states of one's mind.

It's one's own freedom of choice and responsibility towards how oneself wants to act and react in certain way, or not, towards whatever oneself comes in contact with, or perceives and experiences.

It's one's own freedom of choice and responsibility towards one's way of thinking, belief and disbelief, understanding and non-understanding, likes and dislikes, agreements and disagreements, acceptance and non-acceptance, desires and don't desires, action and non-action, reaction and non-reaction, and feel or don't feel (the restless modifications of one's mind), as well as towards the consequences of all that.

It's one's own freedom of choice and responsibility towards whether oneself wants to free one's mind from ignorance, egoism, impurities, and restlessness, or not.

Different minds act, and react differently towards the same name and form, experience, affair, event, condition, or situation, under the influence of the many different ways of thinking, belief and disbelief, understanding and non-understanding, likes and dislikes, agreements and disagreements, acceptance and non-acceptance, desires and don't desires, and feel or don't feel.

It is not the particular name and form, experience, affair, event, condition, or situation, has certain quality that is determining how all minds should act and react in certain way, or not.

The mind that understands this, it understands that all the minds that have such common (incorrect) understanding and reaction, it's because these minds are functioning under the influence of ignorance, egoism, impurities, and restlessness, or under the absence of correct understanding.

The mind that understands this, it won't be disturbed or determined by the different actions and reactions of all and everyone, and the consequences of all that. All and everyone has the freedom and responsibility towards the states of themselves (their states of mind), towards their modifications of mind, and towards all their actions and reactions under the influence of their own understanding and non-understanding.

The minds that would act and react in the way that is violent, damaging, and hurtful towards oneself and others, it's because they are not well. They are ill (mentally unwell). These are the minds that would be disturbed, hurt, disappointed, or angry by the disagreeable/unpleasant/damaging/hurtful actions and reactions of some other minds that are also unwell, that are restless/peaceless, that are ignorant, that are in suffering, due to the presence of ignorance, egoism, impurities, and restlessness.

Why would a mind that understands this, that is devoid of ignorance and egoism, would be disturbed, hurt, disappointed, or angry by the actions and reactions of the many minds in this world that are unwell, that are restless/peaceless, that are ignorant, that are in suffering, that are acting and reacting in the way that is damaging and hurtful towards oneself and others, due to the presence of ignorance, egoism, impurities, and restlessness in themselves?

Why would someone who has correct understanding be angry with a stone or a wall that is there being what it is, that oneself ran into and got hurt, while intentionally hurting oneself further more by kicking and punching the stone or the wall, out of anger and hurt, in order to revenge?

Meanwhile, one can choose to act in certain way, or not, in this world, without being disturbed or determined by the ignorant actions and reactions of the others.

"A's action and reaction is A's own freedom of choice and responsibility. B's action and reaction towards A's action and reaction is B's own freedom of choice and responsibility."

Before the mind realizes the truth of selflessness and impermanence, or when the mind is still functioning under the presence of ignorance, the idea of 'I', egoism, impurities, and restlessness, then the states of mind is autonomously being influenced/determined by the influential energy fields and elements (Gunas) that fuel the selfless existence and function of the mind, or be determined and disturbed by the selfless mind perception of names and forms perceived through the senses, of whatever the mind comes in contact with, perceives, or experiences. But, the mind can transcend all that, under the absence of the idea of 'I' and attachment, and no longer be influenced/determined/disturbed by all that, including the different energy fields a.k.a states of mind, that are selfless and impermanent, through annihilating the veil of ignorance, the idea of 'I', egoism, impurities, and restlessness, by quieting and silencing the restless selfless modifications of the mind.

That is the true and highest freedom, knowledge, and power.

That is liberation.

Inquire the truth of everything, and be free.

Self love and self care

Self love and self care is commonly being understood as focusing on making oneself more happy or less unhappy by doing what will make oneself feel good and happy, or avoiding what will make oneself feel bad and unhappy, as well as pampering oneself in all kinds of pleasurable material and sensual enjoyments, or gratifying all one's desires of craving and aversion, empowering selfishness, ignorance, egoism, impurities, and restlessness.

Self love and self care in the teachings and practice of yoga, is not about that, but it's about being able to have the self-initiation and self-effort to be looking after the over-all physical and mental well-being of oneself while still having certain degrees of basic essential awareness and sanity, by working diligently to be freeing one's mind from ignorance, egoism, impurities, and restlessness, to annihilate the idea of 'I', attachment, identification, desires of craving and aversion, expectation, greed, pride, selfishness, possessiveness, separateness, discrimination, fear, anger, and hatred, to be attaining mental and emotional independence, where the selfless perceptive cognitive intellectual emotional thinking mind is no longer being determined by the mind perception towards all kinds of selfless and impermanent names and forms, experiences, ties and connections, relationships, interactions, activities, affairs, events, conditions, or situations, that are pleasant or unpleasant, agreeable or disagreeable, desirable or undesirable, and enjoyable or non-enjoyable, transcending duality, or the sense of goodness and badness, righteousness and wrongfulness, happiness and unhappiness, joyfulness and joylessness, meaningfulness and meaninglessness, positiveness and negativeness, success and failure, pride and shame, deserving and undeserving, pleasurable enjoyment and painful suffering, and etc.

One needs to be able to be kind towards oneself unconditionally (stops hurting oneself/the body and the mind) before one can truly be kind towards all and everyone unconditionally, without discrimination, attachment, or expectation (stops hurting all and everyone out of a disturbed/peaceless/fearful/defensive/violent/confused/ignorant/discontented/ambitious impure restless state of mind).

To be kind towards oneself, is about the selfless mind is being able to accept itself as it is unconditionally, or accepting the condition of the physical body and the state of the modification of the mind, that are selfless and impermanent, as they are, unconditionally.

Only when the mind can accept itself as it is unconditionally, or respecting all the selfless impermanent changes in the body and mind as it is, or accepting the perceived reality in the present moment now as they are, then only it can accept all and everyone as they are, and respecting the world as it is, unconditionally.

Only when the mind is able to look after itself, or is able to be resting in unconditional peace, then only it can have the ability to look after some others.

Inquire the truth of everything.

Saturday, July 20, 2024

If the mind knows and understands

If the mind knows and understands towards impermanence and selflessness, and the nature's law of cause and effect, it will be resting in peace, as it is.

It is devoid of the idea of 'I'.

The sense of separateness and discrimination, the sense of superiority and inferiority, the sense of low/high self-esteem, the sense of belonging and possessiveness, or all kinds of duality of success and failure, achievement and non-achievement, enjoyment and suffering, deserving and non-deserving, meaningfulness and meaninglessness, positiveness and negativeness, goodness and badness, joyfulness and joylessness, pride and shame, inspiration and aspiration, and so on, as well as castes, sects, ranks, titles, social status, superstitions, fairy tales, hypocrisy, manipulations, untruthfulness, justification, and etc, don't exist in it.

It is desireless, and hence, it is fearless.

It won't feel disturbed, hurt, intimidated, bullied, threatened, belittled, humiliated, annoyed, provoked or disappointed by anyone and anything, even if other minds have the intention to behave in the way that meant to be disturbing, hurting, intimidating, bullying, threatening, belittling, humiliating, annoying, provoking or disappointing others.

It can be disagreeing with and non-empowering other minds and their thinking/belief/values/desires/behavior/action/reaction under the influence of ignorance and egoism, while it won't have anger and hatred or discrimination and bias treatment towards anyone and anything.

All minds have the freedom for being what they are, as they are.

It can be performing or not performing certain actions that might or might not ignite certain awareness/reflection or bring certain improvement into the world of ignorance and egoism, without intention to be controlling or influencing anyone and anything to be or not to be in certain way, without expectation towards anyone and anything has to be or not to be in certain way.

The selfless intentionless mirror has the selfless intentionless purpose that serves as a selfless reflector that reflects the reflection of all kinds of objects being reflected upon it, but whether the objects perceive and see their reflection upon the mirror, or not, and how they perceive and react towards their reflection, it's their own freedom and responsibility.

The difference between a selfless mirror and a selfless perceptive cognitive intellectual emotional thinking acting mind, is that the mirror doesn't have the awareness, thinking faculty and mobility (freewill and survival instinct) to act/react/decide upon whether to move away from any detrimental harsh and critical conditions and situations, while the selfless mind has the selfless limited and conditional awareness, thinking faculty and mobility to act/react/decide upon whether to move away, or not, from any conditions and situations, as well as how and when it acts/reacts/decides, either under the influence of ignorance and the by-products of ignorance, or free from the influence of ignorance and all those by-products of ignorance.

Selflessness and compassion (fearlessness, contentment, simplicity, desirelessness, dispassion, renunciation, non-attachment, non-identification, non-craving, non-aversion, non-judgment, non-discrimination, non-expectation, respecting the nature's law of cause and effect, and etc) doesn't mean that the mind should deny as well as empower all kinds of ignorance, or shouldn't disagree with and protest against all kinds of ignorant ideas, affairs and behaviors, or doesn't perform actions to be looking after the general well-being of oneself and others and the surrounding environment, or shouldn't move away from any detrimental harsh and critical conditions and situations if there is possibility to do so.

It can be living in seclusion and solitude or living among the diverse society, and it can be in action or inaction, while it is kind and friendly towards all and everyone as it is, without discrimination, desire, intention or expectation towards all and everyone or the world should or shouldn't be in certain way.

It is at peace, unconditionally, being undetermined and undisturbed by all kinds of selfless impermanent changes, affairs, events, relationships, ties and connections, interactions, activities, conditions and situations in the world.

It is devoid of grief and painful sorrow, guilt and regret, missing and longing.

Because it knows and understands that all the minds that would think, believe, desire, behave, act and react in the way that is disturbing, destructive, violent, cruel, damaging and hurtful towards oneself and others and the surrounding environment, regardless of whether intentionally or unintentionally, it is because these minds are functioning under the influence of ignorance, egoism, impurities and restlessness, while being ignorant towards all that. These minds are ill, or not well, even though from the appearance, they might appear to be achieving and enjoying many things in many ways. They are not free, even if they think and believe that they are highly powerful, being on top of the world, and can have anything exactly the way that they desire, but then, none and nothing can escape, or conquer, or change the truth of selflessness and impermanence, and the nature's law of cause and effect.

Even though none can escape, or conquer, or change the truth of selflessness and impermanence, and the nature's law of cause and effect, however, one can transcend all that while not being determined by all that, upon knowing and understanding all that via self-inquiry and self-realization by purifying, disciplining and quieting the modification of the mind, and thus, be free from ignorance and the suffering arising from ignorance.

If the mind is in a state of suffering/violence/disturbance/hurts/disappointment/anger/hatred/painful sorrow, and so on, that is because this mind doesn't know and hasn't realize/understand towards selflessness and impermanence, and the nature's law of cause and effect.

Out of ignorance, the mind thinks and believes that its state of suffering is inflicted/caused by the names and forms that it experiences, that it thinks and believes as 'bad', 'wrong', 'negative', 'terrible', 'unpleasant', 'hurtful', 'disturbing', 'disappointing', 'intimidating', 'sorrowful', 'anger and hatred deserving', and so on.

Out of such incorrect understanding (the presence of ignorance, and being ignorant towards ignorance), the mind would behave/act/react in the way that is disturbing, destructive, violent, cruel, damaging and hurtful towards oneself and others and the surrounding environment. The world is indeed full of minds that are in such state.

Anger and hatred, or aversion and violence towards the minds that are being perceived as ignorant, selfish, greedy, cruel, wrongful and evil due to ignorance and egoism, doesn't stop them from being what they are, and it won't help the minds that are under the influence of ignorance and egoism to be free from ignorance and egoism.

The highest duty and responsibility of all minds in this world, is to look after one's mind, to have correct understanding, and have peace. Without all these, everything else is nothing.

Without correct understanding and peace, there will be ceaseless disturbance and violence in oneself, that spreads into the surrounding community and environment, that affect all and everyone and everything locally and globally.

The highest liberation/freedom/independence, is being free from ignorance and the by-products of ignorance.

The highest power/ability/knowledge is not about achieving/possessing/enjoying/knowing/experiencing/creating many things, but it is the power/ability/knowledge of letting go everything.

The condition and situation in the world that doesn't belong to anyone, is exactly the reflection of the state of mental health of many minds.

Inquire the truth of everything, and be free.

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Take a few moments away from everyone and everything

Take a few moments away from everyone and everything.

Just be aware of the air coming in and going out from the nostrils.

No judgment.

No comparison.

No expectation.

No craving.

No aversion.

Not controlling anything.

Not achieving anything.

Not desiring anything.

Not pushing away anything.

No fear.

No worry.

No resentment.

No bitterness.

No anger.

No hatred.

Not angry with oneself.

Not angry with anyone.

Not hating oneself.

Not hating anyone.

Not trying to be good.

Not trying to be positive.

Not trying to be anything.

Not trying to understand.

Just the breath coming and going.

Being what it is.

Selfless and impermanent.

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Inquire towards selflessness and impermanence that is crucial to world peace

One can inquire towards selflessness and impermanence either by observing the entire space of the surrounding environment, or the function and condition of the physical body, or the breath.

There are constant ceaseless changes.

The surrounding environment, or the physical body, or the breath, is different from moment to moment.

There are no consecutive moments that will be the same.

The sights, the lights, the sounds, the smells, the atmosphere, the weather, the seasons, the objects, the plants, the habitats, the living creatures, the sky, the clouds, the air/gas formation, the rivers and streams, the mountains, the land, the ocean, the plateau, the fields, the physical condition, the mental state, the thinking, the sensations, the feelings, the emotions, as well as every breath that comes and goes, is never the same one.

Even after the physical body stops functioning, or dies, the lifeless physical body will still be undergoing selfless impermanent changes of decomposing/disintegrating.

There is not a single permanent unchanging 'existence' or 'state' in any kind of name and form, except the limitless, substanceless, attributeless, nameless, formless, birthless, deathless, beginningless, endless, selfless space that hosts all and everything that are selfless and impermanent.

One can capture one particular photo of a particular moment with the best camera that is available and still functional, but the photo printout (the quality of a particular image) itself is selfless and impermanent, constantly changing, aging/fading, and decaying. The camera, is selfless and impermanent. The one who captures a photo with the camera, is selfless and impermanent. Even the digital copy of a particular captured image that is stored in a memory storage somewhere, is also selfless and impermanent, that is limited and conditional, which can be modified, or manipulated, or corrupted, or disrupted, or deleted/destroyed, at particular cause and pace, either intentionally or unintentionally. Not to say, the ceaseless selfless impermanent changes in all kinds of living creatures. All and everything are existing, changing, and ceased existing, or to be what they are, under the selfless support of many different selfless elements and energy.

The space never increase nor decrease, where it is not being determined, affected, or contaminated by all kinds of selfless impermanent names and forms being what they are, as they are, ceaselessly arising, changing, and passing away in the space.

The space doesn't belong to any particular name and form.

All kinds of names and forms don't belong to the space.

All kinds of names and forms don't belong to one another.

Out of ignorance and egoism, the passionate egoistic impure ignorant thinking minds claim possession, ownership, and authority towards certain 'space', 'nature', 'habitat', 'land', 'ocean', 'water', 'living creatures', 'other minds', 'objects', and etc, while ceaselessly generate unnecessary damages and destructions towards all and everything as much as possible, consciously and unconsciously, intentionally and randomly, under the influence of all kinds of mental corruption/defilement/impurity of the sense of belonging, the sense of separateness, the sense of pride, possessiveness, greed, desires, ambitions, craving towards wealth and possession accumulation, abundant pleasurable enjoyments, and comfortable conveniences, selfishness, fear, protectiveness, restlessness, dissatisfaction, anger, hatred, discrimination, offensiveness, defensiveness, and so on, on top of the basic survival instinct to be maintaining selfless impermanent life existence, or to feed hunger and thirst as well as to be sheltered from injury, disease, harshness, or extreme conditions.

Survival instinct alone doesn't cause unnecessary evitable damages and destructions unto oneself and others or the surrounding environment.

It's the presence of ignorance and egoism.

"This is our land."

"This is our home."

"This is our root, origin, culture, belief, values, and practices."

"This is our pride, identities, possessions, rights, and authorization."

And so on.

Out of all these corrupted ignorant thinking, ideas, and statements, the minds discriminate and hurt one another, as well as hurt and destroy the surrounding living environment that doesn't belong to anyone or anything.

The passionate egoistic impure ignorant minds think and believe and propagate that, "We need to protect what belongs to us, that is ours, and we have the duty and responsibility to protect our land, our home, our family, our children, our next generations, our community, our country, our resources, our environment, our livelihood, our planet, our space, our culture, our belief, our values, our visions, ..." while actually hurting and damaging all and everything that they think and believe that needed to be protected by them from hurt and damage.

"Treat this house as if it's your own house." So say the ignorant wicked petty-minded protective house owners to the guests/renters, believing and expecting (threatening) that people will look after the welfare of 'the house and the things in the house', especially if they are being treated as 'ours', otherwise, the guests/renters will not look after the welfare of 'the house and the things in the house', but for sure, they will be deliberately causing damages to 'the house and the things in the house', because it doesn't belong to 'us' but 'others'.

None need to be claiming ownership/possession/identification/pride/protectiveness towards anything, in order to be looking after the over-all well-being of all and everything without the sense of belonging, separateness, and discrimination, but out of correct understanding, self-initiative, freewill, wisdom, and selfless compassion.

All minds can have the self-initiative to be looking after the over-all well-being of oneself, others, and the surrounding environment or the space that doesn't belong to anyone, that is selflessly shared among all and everyone of all kinds of diversities, without the need of the sense of belonging, identification, pride, possessiveness, and protectiveness, if the minds are free from ignorance and egoism.

Just as the selfish protective parents want to 'protect' the children that they 'love' very much, and hence, they want to 'influence', 'manipulate', 'threaten', and 'control' the children to be and not to be in certain way, not knowing that they are actually inflicting so much unnecessary hurtful damages to the physical/mental/emotional well-being of the children that they strongly think and believe that they belonged to them, that they 'love' and 'protect' very much, where the parents repeatedly 'punish' and 'hurt' the children physically/mentally/emotionally whenever they are not being the way that the parents would like them to be.

At the same time, the parents tell themselves and the children, "We are doing this (hurting you and everything that belong to us) because we love you and everything very much. We want you and everything to be 'good and right' the way that we think and believe is 'good and right'."

Let it go, if one truly loves something or anything.

Letting go of something, it doesn't mean that one will not be looking after the general welfare of something, or will be deliberately generating unnecessary hurtful damages unto something (that doesn't belong to 'I', or 'us', or 'them', or 'others', or 'anyone').

One can truly be looking after the welfare of everything by stop hurting anything out of 'love' and possessiveness.

The world will be a place of more peace and less unrest, if more minds are free from ignorance and egoism, which is nothing to do with whether the minds are highly educated/literate/intelligent/knowledgeable/talented/successful/wealthy/attractive/admirable/influential/powerful, or not, as all these qualities don't determine whether a mind is free from ignorance and egoism, or not.

Inquire the truth of everything, and be free.

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

The world is everything, everything is the world

The world is all and everything. All and everything is the world.

The world doesn't own all and everything. All and everything don't own the world.

The world doesn't belong to anyone and anything. Everyone and everything don't belong to the world.

They are not separated from one another.

Out of ignorance and egoism, the ignorant egoistic minds claimed ownership, possession, and authorization towards the world.

The ignorant egoistic minds desire to make or control the world that they think and believe is theirs, to be and not to be in certain way in accordance to what they desire and don't desire.

All the different ignorant egoistic minds want to get rid of what they don't like, don't agree with, and don't desire from the world that doesn't belong to anyone and anything, while they don't want to be sharing this space that doesn't belong to anyone and anything with some others, and constantly fighting against one another in order to achieve their particular vision of the world that they desire it to be.


The selfless existence and function of a selfless physical body is made up of different selfless components that work together that enabling the selfless physical body to be existing and functioning as what it is, under the selfless support of the selfless supportive elements and energy.

Without the different selfless components, there is no selfless physical body, and vice versa.

Without the selfless supportive elements and energy, there is no selfless physical body existing and functioning as it is.

But if any of these selfless components are not selfless, but all are functioning under the influence of ignorance and egoism, where all the different components claimed ownership, possession, and authorization over the physical body, and they all want the physical body to be and not to be in certain way that is in accordance to the different desires and don't desires of all the different components, and that is exactly what is happening in this world of many diversities that doesn't belong to anyone and anything.

It's like,

The left hand doesn't agree with the right hand, and they are fighting against and hurting each other.

The feet don't like the head, and want to cause damages to the head.

The head doesn't like the hands and want to get rid of the hands.

The stomach wants to get rid of the liver.

The kidneys want to get rid of the stomach.

The liver wants to get rid of the spleen.

The spleen wants to get rid of the bladder.

The bladder wants to get rid of the lungs.

The lungs want to get rid of the heart.

The heart wants to get rid of the glands.

The glands want to get rid of the pancreas.

The muscles want to get rid of the bones.

The collar bone doesn't agree with the spine, and wants to get rid of the spine.

The spine wants to get rid of the muscles around it.

The bones want to get rid of the skin.

The skin wants to get rid of the hair.

The hair want to get rid of the ears.

The eyes want to get rid of the nose.

The nose wants to get rid of the eyes and the ears.

The tongue doesn't want to share the space of the mouth that doesn't belong to anyone and anything with the teeth. While the different senses of different flavor within the tongue are hating one another and want to get rid of each other.

The back muscles are hating the abdominal muscles for sharing the space that doesn't belong to anyone and anything.

The intestines don't want the rectum and the anus to be sharing the space that doesn't belong to anyone and anything.

The blood is being discriminating towards certain components, and only wants to supply nutrients and oxygen to certain components and not to some other components.

The upper teeth are fighting with the lower teeth, while the lower teeth are hating and fighting against each other.

The knees don't want the ankles being part of the legs that don't belong to anyone and anything.

The thumb doesn't like the fingers to be sharing the hand that doesn't belong to anyone and anything.

And so on.

Inquire the truth of everything, and be free.

Monday, June 10, 2024

The world is what it is

The selfless impermanent world is existing, and it is called 'the world', because it is what all and everything are. They are non-separated.

There is no world if there isn't any kind of selfless impermanent worldly existence of names and forms being existing here in this space that doesn't belong to anyone or anything.

Apart from the inevitable selfless impermanent changes due to the inevitable natural decaying process that exists along with all kinds of selfless impermanent names and forms since the beginning of existence, the perceived world is merely what it is (or all and everything are merely being what they are, as they are), it is nothing but the consequences of all kinds of actions/reactions of the selfless minds, where the selfless impermanent changes in the world are indeed influenced and impacted greatly by the sum actions/reactions of the selfless minds that had been, and are occupying this space of the universe that doesn't belong to anyone or anything.

Some minds justify that survival instinct (hunger and thirst) is the reason why there are so many selfishness, greed, discrimination, fear, occupation, fighting, and violence related affairs, events, or suffering existing in this world.

Survival instinct alone, if without the influence of ignorance and egoism, it doesn't cause unnecessary damages (or evitable suffering) to the world that doesn't belong to anyone and anything. The world exists along with all kinds of supportive essential elements for all kinds of existence to be catering the different basic needs of all kinds of names and forms to be existing, maintaining (surviving), and ceased existing. If without the presence of the selfless supportive elements, nothing can exist, there is no world.

Hunger and thirst (lack of energy/energy depletion) -> finding/consuming food and water that doesn't belong to anyone or anything (replenishing energy that doesn't belong to anyone or anything) -> either surviving (energy replenished) or ceased functioning and existing/dying and disintegrating (prolonged and complete energy depletion). Devoid of greed, hoarding, possessiveness, separateness, selfishness, protectiveness, fear, discrimination, or ceaseless and boundless desires for abundant pleasurable enjoyments of the senses beyond basic needs for survival. The earth doesn't belong to anyone. The space, the land, the air, the water, or nature doesn't belong to anyone. There are enough basic needs for all selfless impermanent existence of diverse names and forms to be shared among all and everything that are selfless and impermanent.

It's the presence of ignorance and egoism on top of the survival instinct in the minds that had been and are occupying in the world that is selfless and impermanent, that is limited and conditional, that is why there are many unnecessary human made hurtful physical/mental/emotional damages (evitable suffering deriving from ignorance and egoism) being generated by the passionate impure egoistic minds functioning under the influence of ignorance and egoism into the world of many diversities that doesn't belong to anyone or anything.

It's not survival instinct, but it's the presence of ignorance and egoism that gives rise to the non-existing individual and community existence, separateness, fear towards unknown/death/ceased functioning and existing/non-existence/extinction, craving towards the absence of hunger and thirst (pain and unpleasantness), aversion towards the presence of hunger and thirst, clinging towards continuous supply of supportive elements for desirable comfortable enjoyable elongated life existence, hoarding, possessiveness, selfishness, greed, protectiveness, discrimination, personal and group identities, pride, ideas, beliefs, visions, aspirations, ambitions, desires, politics/power of control, ungratified desires of craving (wants) and aversion (don't wants), dissatisfaction, disappointment, frustration, irritation, anger, hatred, defensiveness, offensiveness, humiliation, retaliation, intimidation, fighting, invasion, occupation, violence, and so on.

Inquire the truth of everything. Attain self-realization towards selflessness and impermanence, and be free.

One will stop generating hurtful action/reaction unto oneself and others, or the world of many diversities in this space of the universe that doesn't belong to anyone and anything.

This (non-violence) is nothing to do with the passionate possessive impure egoistic limited and conditional loving kindness/sympathy/empathy/protectiveness under the influence of ignorance and egoism, where all and everyone are fighting against/hurting one another trying to possess and protect what they think and believe is them and theirs, that they love very much, while all and everyone are indeed hurting all and everything that they think and believe that they love very much, that they think and believe are them and theirs.

None can remove the ignorance and egoism in others for others, but only by the mind itself, alone.

The mind that knows, the mind that is devoid of ignorance and egoism, the mind that is devoid of attachment and identification/possessiveness and protectiveness/craving and aversion/fear and greed/anger and hatred/separateness and discrimination/desires and visions/intention and expectation, the mind that lets go and unattached towards all and everything, the mind that respects cause and effect, nature, or selfless impermanent changes/decaying process, the mind that is resting in silence, is free.

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

The self-inquiry and direct realization towards selflessness

Ignorance is about not knowing the truth of selflessness via direct realization.

Ignorance is not about low intelligence, or low education, or lack of knowledge.

Being highly intelligent, educated, and knowledgeable doesn't necessarily mean that the mind is devoid of ignorance.

Ignorance, or not knowing towards selflessness, gives rise to egoism, that gives rise to fear, that gives rise to many kinds of corrupted thinking, beliefs, values, reasoning, understanding, aspirations, visions, desires, comforting or threatening stories telling, and justification for damaging hurtful behaviors, that give rise to all kinds of corrupted action and reaction or behavior, that give rise to the consequences of all that, where all kinds of unnecessary disturbance and suffering arising in oneself, while ignorantly inflicting unnecessary disturbance and suffering unto others, and generating unnecessary damages into the surrounding environment.

Selflessness is not a belief.

Selflessness is not a philosophy, and is nothing 'spiritual' or 'religious'.

Selflessness is science, or what things are, as they are.

Selflessness is not about unselfishness or self-sacrifice.

Selflessness, is the non-existence of an infinite unchanging permanent individual self-existence of 'I'.

It doesn't mean "Non-existence of the selfless impermanent body and mind that are limited and conditional", or "All and everything don't exist at all, just like dreams or imaginations, where none and nothing is real, and everything is non-coherent".

All and everything of all kinds of diverse living species and non-living objects, exist selflessly and impermanently in this space of the universe that doesn't belong to anyone or anything, without a permanent individual self-existence that exists infinitely unchanging, where all and everything that had existed but are no longer existing in the present moment now (or are existing in the present moment now), were (or are) under going inevitable process of selfless and restless changes and disintegration from the very moment of coming (or forming) into existence in particular name and form, governed and influenced by the nature's law of cause and effect, inter-depending on and being determined by all kinds of elements and energy to be existing, changing, and ceased existing.

The minds that didn't attain (or haven't attained) direct realization towards selflessness, where they thought and believed (or think and believe) that selflessness means "All and everything don't exist at all ...", it's normal that they had (have) intense disagreement, aversion, worry, and fear towards the teachings and practice that leads towards the realization of selflessness, where all kinds of worldly passionate egoistic beliefs, stories telling, values, inspirations, aspirations, visions, and practices were (or are) continuously being created and empowered to give certain degrees of comfort, justification, and influential power to the minds that are functioning, perceiving, thinking, reasoning, understanding, desiring, acting, reacting, and behaving under the influence of ignorance and egoism, that are being conditioned by all kinds of corrupted passionate egoistic thinking, beliefs, values, desires, aspirations, visions, and practices, under the influence of survival instinct, fear, greed, selfishness, possessiveness, protectiveness, pride, and all kinds of impurities (or restlessness), to be influencing, interfering, and controlling all and everything (or the world that doesn't belong to anyone or anything) to be and not to be in certain way, in accordance to their likes and dislikes, agreements and disagreements, desires and don't desires.

Quiet the selfless impermanent impure restless modification of the mind, perform self-inquiry, attain direct realization towards selflessness, and be free.

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Acceptance - Accepting the perceived reality in the present moment now as it is

There's neither right nor wrong, neither good nor bad, and neither normal nor abnormal in the many different minds with different conditions of the different functions of the physical body having different personalities, desires/don't desires, and experiences in different ways.

Some minds prefer to be alone most of the time, and would feel unease being surrounded by some others.

Some minds prefer to be surrounded by some others most of the time, and would feel unease being alone by oneself.

Some minds prefer to be balancing the time of being alone and the time of being surrounded by some others, and would feel unease when that is off-balanced.

Some minds have no problems with being alone, or being surrounded by some others, and it doesn't matter whether the time of being alone and the time of being surrounded by some others are being balanced in certain way, or not.

The moment the mind has intense attachment, identification, desire of craving and aversion, and expectation towards itself, its life existence, its functions, its conditions, its abilities, its achievements, its way of living, when/where/how it spends its time, effort, and energy, its activities, its experiences, its connections and interactions with some others, and the surrounding environment to be or not to be in certain way, there will arise 'problems', 'disturbs', 'unease', 'dissatisfaction', 'disappointment', 'frustration', 'unhappiness', 'joylessness', 'loneliness', 'left-out', 'exhaustion', 'fatigue', 'burn-out', 'meaninglessness', 'fault finding', 'blame', 'self-blame', 'guilt', 'regret', 'fear', 'worry', 'anger', 'resentment', 'bitterness', 'jealousy', 'admiration', 'aspiration', and etc, particularly when the mind rejects or doesn't accept the perceived reality of the experience in the present moment now as it is, that is not the way that it expects, likes, and desires. This mind is restless, or peaceless. This mind is not free.

If the mind is free from attachment, identification, desire of craving and aversion, or expectation, and it can accept the perceived reality of the experience in the present moment now as it is, even if it is not the way that it likes and desires, then there won't be any 'problems', 'disturbs', 'unease', 'dissatisfaction', 'disappointment', 'frustration', 'unhappiness', 'joylessness', 'loneliness', 'left-out', 'exhaustion', 'fatigue', 'burn-out', 'meaninglessness', 'fault finding', 'blame', 'self-blame', 'guilt', 'regret', 'fear', 'worry', 'anger', 'resentment', 'bitterness', 'jealousy', 'admiration', 'aspiration', and etc, arising in the mind.

This mind is at peace, unconditionally, being undetermined by the selfless impermanent changes, the selfless impermanent states of mind, the selfless impermanent physical and mental conditions and limitations, the surrounding environment, the ups and downs, the actions and the fruit of actions, the abilities and disabilities, the achievement and non-achievement, the pleasant/unpleasant and desirable/undesirable experiences. This mind is free.

Accepting that, "In this present moment now, this is the state of the mind, this is the condition of the physical body, this is the possibility and impossibility, this is the ability and limitation, this is the experience and non-experience, this is what the body and mind can do and cannot do, this is what the body and mind can achieve and cannot achieve, and this is the result of the action and effort. Regardless of whether it's something desirable or undesirable, pleasant or unpleasant, and agreeable or disagreeable, it is impermanent, it's not 'I', and there is no 'I'. It's merely some selfless impermanent changes/activities governed by the nature's law of cause and effect."

It's okay, and there's nothing wrong that there are some defects, or dysfunctions, or abnormal functions, or limitations, or disabilities, or illness, or injuries, or imperfections existing in this selfless impermanent function of the selfless conditional and limited physical body with the selfless conditional and limited perceptive cognitive intellectual emotional thinking faculty.

It's okay, and there's nothing wrong that all the different minds have different characteristics, personalities, desires/don't desires, beliefs, values, reasoning, understanding/non-understanding, way of thinking, way of living, way of doing things, choices, actions and reactions, and the outcomes/consequences of all that.

All are selfless and impermanent.

Even if the mind can't let go of certain things or everything, and it is restless or peaceless, being determined and disturbed by the perceived reality that is not the way that it likes and desires, and it's okay, too. Accepting that, "In this present moment now, this mind can't accept the perceived reality being what it is, and it is restless or peaceless. This is also impermanent. It's not 'I', and there's no 'I'."

The perceptive cognitive intellectual emotional thinking mind might be perceiving and acknowledging the selfless existence and function of the physical body is suffering from certain form of physical and/or mental defects or illness, however, the mind can have or develop the awareness of being aware of the existence of any form of physical and/or mental defects or illness without attachment, identification, desire of craving and aversion, judgment, and expectation towards the presence and absence of any form of physical and/or mental condition. All kinds of physical and/or mental condition is not 'I', and there is no 'I'.

Be able to make any necessary adjustment to adapt and accommodate any conditions and situations, to stay away as much as possible from connections, activities, and affairs that are under the influence of ignorance and the consequences of ignorance, and perform actions (including inaction) in accordance to the possibilities and impossibilities in the present moment now, without attachment, identification, desire of craving and aversion, judgment, and expectation towards the actions and the fruit of actions, is the essence of the yoga practice. All are impermanent.

Need not wasting life existence, attention, effort, and energy into dealing with connections, activities, and affairs that are under the influence of ignorance, or fighting against the minds that are functioning under the influence of ignorance.

Allowing all and everyone (including one's dearest family members, parents, children, siblings, partner/spouse, and friends) to take responsibility towards themselves, their states of mind, their thinking, their belief and disbelief, their understanding and non-understanding, their desires and don't desires, their actions and the consequences of their actions, their aspirations and ambitions, their duties and responsibilities, their choices, and for being what they are, where they are, and how they are.

Not being determined nor disturbed by the ignorance and the consequences of ignorance of others.

This is not selfish at all. It is indeed compassion and wisdom.

The mind that realizes this, is free, and peaceful, as it is.

Inquire the truth of everything, and be free.

Monday, May 20, 2024


The mind that identifies itself as a 'Guru' to some others is not really a Guru.

The mind that identifies an external 'Guru' as its greatest Guru still hasn't found the Guru yet.

The one and only greatest Guru is the selfless mind itself.

The external Guru is anyone and anything or any experiences that enables the mind to see the one and only Guru from within (of knowing Thyself), or to see the truth of selflessness and impermanence in all and everything, where all and everything are the teachers and the teachings or Dhamma, transcending all kinds of names and forms or duality.

Be free.

Monday, April 15, 2024

Selflessness, impermanence, cause and effect

The core teachings of yoga and/or buddhism are indeed very simple and straightforward.

Selflessness, impermanence, cause and effect.

The mind will see the truth of selflessness and impermanence governed by cause and effect in all and everything under a purified modification/function of the mind that is opened, that is calm and quiet, that is unattached towards any particular worldly passionate egoistic thinking, belief, ideas, values, desires/aspirations, and practice.

It's the entire prolonged mind purification process under certain disciplines that all minds have to go through in order to free the modification/function of the mind from being conditioned by any kind of worldly passionate egoistic thinking, belief, ideas, values, desires/aspirations, and practice, to render the mind calm and quiet being free from restlessness and impurities, that appears to be quite complicated and challenging, or even discouraging for many minds.

It's like, the mind understands that, and is aware of "This is highly important and needed to be done the sooner the better," but, there are many 'excuses', 'justifications', 'obstructions', 'distractions', 'rebelliousness', 'bitterness', 'hesitations', 'procrastination', or 'pride' arising from within the mind itself that hinder the mind from doing whatever that is needed to be done in now.

The minds that don't know, or the minds that think and believe that they know, but they don't really know, or the minds that refuse to know, and they don't respect while aspire to challenge or go against the truth of selflessness and impermanence governed by the nature's law of cause and effect, will only end up in great disappointment, dissatisfaction, frustration, anger, or meaninglessness, and are peaceless. Meanwhile, out of such disturbed peaceless state of mind, the minds would be generating lots of hurtful damaging actions and reactions unto themselves and others, and into the world.

The minds that know and respect the truth of selflessness and impermanence governed by the nature's law of cause and effect, are resting in unconditional peace, devoid of fear and worry, regardless of whether in action or inaction, regardless of all kinds of selfless impermanent changes governed by the nature's law of cause and effect that are happening ceaselessly in the body and mind, and in the world of ignorance and egoism and the consequences of all that.

Regardless of how strong and powerful, or how good and kind, or how selfish and evil, or how prideful and arrogant is the mind in this present moment now, it will change and pass away.

Inquire the truth of everything.

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

The limited and conditional mind perception of a subjective personal reality

None can argue with one another about the mind perception of a subjective personal reality that is unique and different from one another.

All minds have their own unique and different personal reality in certain way, perceived through the limited and conditional function of the senses via the sense organs, based on the personal likes and dislikes, agreements and disagreements, or desires and doesn't desires, under the influence of the limited and conditional personal way of thinking, belief, reasoning, understanding, values, practices, actions, reactions, way of doing things, desires and aspirations.

There is neither right nor wrong, neither good nor bad, in all the different minds perceiving their own different personal reality.

The different mind perception of different personal reality are not necessarily the truth of what things are, but it is still the truth of a personal reality for each mind, as that is what and how the mind perceives everything through the limited and conditional senses of the sense organs.

None can argue about what they see, hear, smell, taste, touch, and feel with their own eyes, ears, nose, tongue, and skin that are limited and conditional, where the same sights, sounds, smells, tastes, and sensations can appear to be different for one another. Upon looking at the same object, at the same time, from the same angle, different minds perceives the object differently from one another. The different perceptions towards the same object might not be the truth of the object, but it is still the personal truth for each different mind.

That is what the mind perceives, sees, hears, smells, tastes, touches, feels, thinks, recognizes, reasons, and understands, even though it is being perceived differently from all the others.

That is what the mind thinks and believes what things are, even though it is being perceived differently from all the others.

Whenever the mind perceives and recognizes 'this is good' or 'this is bad', 'this is positive' or 'this is negative', 'this is right' or 'this is wrong', 'this is beautiful' or 'this is not beautiful', 'this is pleasing' or 'this is disgusting', 'this is meaningful' or 'this is meaningless', 'this is joyfulness' or 'this is joylessness', 'this is auspiciousness' or 'this is inauspiciousness', 'this is pleasurable enjoyment' or 'this is painful suffering', and so on, it is not the truth of what things are.

All and everything are just what they are, and all are selfless and impermanent.

There won't be any problems if the different minds understand and respect that all minds have their own unique mind perception towards everything of a subjective personal reality that is different from one another.

Different minds see things differently. Different minds understand things differently. Different minds behave, act, and react differently.

There will be unnecessary problems and conflicts when the minds think and believe that their own personal reality deriving from perceiving or experiencing the world of names and forms via specific limited and conditional 'lenses' under the influence of specific way of thinking, belief, reasoning, understanding, values, ideas, desires, and aspirations, is all true, correct and right, or it's the truth of everything, while thinking and believing that the other different personal realities of the other minds, that are different from their own personal perceived reality, are untrue, incorrect and wrong, or it's not the truth of everything, and they have the desire and aspiration of want to prove to the world that their perceived personal reality is all true, correct and right, while all the others are untrue, incorrect and wrong, where they want to interfere with the others, under the intention or desire to convince, or convert, or change the others to have the similar perception of everything as one's own perception towards everything.

Inquire the truth of everything, including the existing belief, understanding, ideas, values, desires, inspirations, aspirations and practice in this mind, as well as upon coming in contact with all kinds of teachings of yoga and/or buddhism coming from anyone and everywhere, including all and everything that is here.

Inquire towards "Why did Siddhartha Gautama Buddha insisted on not having the dhamma or his teachings to be 'recorded' or 'preserved' in any forms, and to have the term of 'Thus have I heard' (如是我聞) in the beginning of all kinds of buddhism related teachings or dhamma that 'claimed' to be coming from him authentically, reminding that all kinds of 'buddhism related teachings' or 'dhamma' that the mind comes in contact with are not necessarily 'what they are' or 'as it is', where all and everyone must perform self-inquiry to inquire the truth of everything to attain direct self-realization, without blind-believing, blind-following, blind-practicing and blind-propagating, including all kinds of 'buddhism teachings' or 'dhamma' that the mind comes in contact with, where his teachings or the dhamma is based on impermanence (無常) and selflessness (無我), as well as he never commented on 'the creator of the universe/world' (創世者) or 'the soul' (靈魂)."

The highly importance of the term "Thus have I heard" -

This 'buddhism teaching' or this 'dhamma' is what I have heard, or read, or learned from someone or from somewhere, but it is not necessarily the buddhism teachings or the dhamma as it is. One must inquire the truth of everything and attain direct self-realization towards the truth of everything, including all kinds of buddhism teachings or dhamma in any forms, even if it was authentically coming from Siddhartha Gautama Buddha, as it is, no more and no less.

Even when Siddhartha Gautama Buddha was in front of a mind and expounding his teachings or the dhamma as it is to this mind directly, this mind also must not blind-agreeing, blind-believing, blind-following, blind-practicing, or blind-propagating, and must perform self-inquiry to inquire the truth of the teachings or the dhamma coming from Siddhartha Gautama Buddha himself personally and directly, and to attain direct self-realization towards the teachings or the dhamma as it is - 

All are selfless and impermanent. Ignorance (not knowing the truth of selflessness and impermanence), that gives rise to the idea of 'I', egoism, impurities and restlessness, is the root cause of suffering. The only existence of any names and forms is in this present moment now, either had existed and ceased existing or have been existing and will be ceased existing, and it's impermanent and selfless, where there is no 'I' in any existing names and forms to be undergoing impermanent changes. There is neither suffering nor the end of suffering upon the annihilation of ignorance, or the idea of 'I', or grasping/attachment, or the desire of craving and aversion.

The dhamma is not limited by time (during the life existence of Siddhartha Gautama Buddha), space (where Siddhartha Gautama Buddha was and had been to) and causation (The arising/changing/passing away of the body and mind of Siddhartha Gautama Buddha and his selfless dissemination of the dhamma), or only to be found or seen in a particular 'auspicious' time/space/causation (enlightened beings/minds, temples, dhamma sutras, statues/images/drawings of buddhas, symbols of buddhism, dhamma/buddhism related books or recordings, and etc), or only accessible/available to particular being of specific names and forms. It is not limited by any names and forms.

The dhamma exist in all and everything. It is right here, right now, and it can be seen in everything that are selfless and impermanent, in both the perceiver and the perceived names and forms. The minds just need to reflect upon the truth of selflessness and impermanence, by observing the selfless impermanent changes in all kinds of names and forms in the present moment now, under an open, non-grasping/non-attaching, purified, disciplined, and quiet mind.

The dhamma is nothing to do with 'sacredness', 'auspiciousness', 'mystic', 'miracle', 'superpower', 'the honourable', or 'the untouchable'. It is merely the truth of what everything are - selflessness and impermanence. It is anywhere and everywhere. It is not difficult to reflect upon and see the truth of selflessness and impermanence in all and everything, however, the contamination of worldly passionate egoistic way of thinking, beliefs, ideas, values, desires, and practices deriving from ignorance and egoism in the minds that give rise to all kinds of attachments, identifications, desires of craving and aversions, judgments, expectations, impurities, and restlessness, hinder the minds from seeing the truth as it is.

Siddhartha Gautama Buddha and all the other enlightened buddhas/beings/minds, didn't/don't need or request anyone to praise and glorify them, or bow and pray to them, and/or the buddha/dhamma/buddhism related statues/images/drawings/symbols/objects/writings/sutras/books/temples. Coming in contact with, possessing, praising, glorifying, bowing, and praying to all those names and forms, or memorizing and chanting all kinds of sutras and mantras, or performing all kinds of rituals/offerings, or sitting in meditation posture non-moving, non-sleeping, and non-eating/drinking for many hours/days, without reflecting upon the truth of selflessness and impermanence, don't remove the ignorance and its consequences in the mind.

All students/practitioners of buddha/dhamma/buddhism reflect upon the truth of selflessness and impermanence in all kinds of names and forms, including all kinds of buddha/dhamma/buddhism related statues/images/drawings/symbols/objects/writings/sutras/books/temples, and etc, without blind-agreeing, blind-believing, blind-following, blind-practicing, or blind-propagating.

The belief/superstition/practice about "Pointing the feet/finger/buttocks towards, or non-bowing towards, or stepping over, or sitting on top, or exhibiting any kinds of 'inappropriate' or 'disrespectful' gestures/actions/behaviors in front of and unto, or throwing away/destroying/burning, or a female during menstruation coming in contact with, or using the left hand to be touching or holding the buddha/dhamma/buddhism related statues/images/drawings/symbols/objects/writings/sutras/books/temples, and etc, is being referred as something offensive/disrespectful/bad karma/sinful/punishable, and so on," is nothing to do with the buddha/dhamma/buddhism.

All minds, regardless of how ignorant and impure are the minds, can be free from ignorance, if there is determination and perseverance to inquire the truth via self-effort and self-inquiry, to know what is the 'I' that the thinking mind thinks and believes and identifies as 'I'.

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Know thyself. Everything is impermanent and selfless. There is no 'I'. There is no 'I am selfless'/'I am not selfless'. There is no 'I am hurt'/'I need to be healed from hurt'. Non-blind believing, non-blind following, non-blind practicing and non-blind propagating, but be open-minded to inquire the truth of everything. Be free. Be peaceful. Be happy.

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Inquire the truth of everything.

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