be free, be happy, be peaceful

May all find the teacher within to guide oneself towards unconditional love and peace

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Eliminate egoism by starving the ego, or stop feeding the ego...

As yoga practitioners, we have to remind ourselves from time to time that the yoga practice is about the annihilation of egoism.

Elimination of egoism is through starving the ego, or stop feeding the ego.

If we look at our thoughts, actions and speech in everyday life, most of them are feeding the ego.

Although we are doing some yoga practice from time to time, and convince ourselves and others that we love yoga, and we like to practice and do yoga everyday, but we don't really practice yoga if we didn't work on the elimination of egoism, but instead, in everyday life, we are empowering the ego whether intentionally or unintentionally.

It is the ego that has lots of desires of craving and aversion towards what it wants and doesn't want. Craving for qualities of name and form that our mind perceives as good, pleasant, happiness, positive and meaningfulness. Aversion towards qualities of name and form that our mind perceives as bad, unpleasant, unhappiness, negative and meaninglessness.

It is the ego that likes or loves something, even if it's something really good and right. If we truly practice yoga and meditation, there's no 'I' being here to like or love something that our mind perceives as good and right, even if it's yoga and meditation practice, or the fruit of yoga and meditation practice.

It is the ego that dislikes or hates something, even if it's something really bad and wrong. If we truly practice yoga and meditation, there's no 'I' being here to dislike or hate something that our mind perceives as bad and wrong.

It's the ego that feels good or bad, happy or unhappy, positive or negative, excited or depressed, peaceful or not peaceful, meaningful or meaningless, and so on.

It's the ego that generates likes and dislikes, agreements and disagreements towards what the mind experiences through the eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body/skin and thinking.

It's the ego that generates attachment, identification, craving and aversion towards the qualities of name and form to be 'I', and what 'I' think is 'my' and 'mine'.

The one who wants and doesn't want to feel in certain ways, is the ego.

The one who judges, compares and expects, is the ego.

The one who admires or condemns, is the ego.

The one who feels confident and proud, or feels not confident and shameful about 'I' as somebody with or without certain qualities, abilities and achievements, is the ego.

The one who feels sad, or depressed, or angry, or hate, or jealous, or fear, or worry, or lonely, or unhappy, or neglected, or ignored, or unattended, or unloved, or embarrassed, or humiliated, or hurt, or betrayed, or insulted, or disrespected, or guilt, or regret, or dissatisfied, or disappointed, or meaningless, and the opposite of all these feelings, is the ego.

The one who is longing for approval, support, liking, companionship, association, acknowledgement, agreement, compliment, praise, appreciation, gratefulness, thankfulness from within and without, is the ego.

The one who is ambitious, who have dreams, or not, is the ego.

The one who wants to create or destroy, is the ego.

The one who wants to love or doesn't want to love, is the ego.

The ego is fed and strengthened by gratifying all its desires of wants and doesn't wants. 

Starve and eliminate the ego by free the mind from attachment, identification, desires, craving, aversion, and all the modifications of egoism.

Realize selflessness, or egolessness, or 'I'-lessness.

There is no 'I' being here to want to love or doesn't want to love.

There's no 'I' being here to hurt, or be hurt.

There's no 'I' being here to heal, or be healed.

There's no 'I' being here to be positive or negative, to be happy or unhappy, to be good or bad.

There is no 'I' being here being not free, or being free.

Om shanti.

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