be free, be happy, be peaceful

May all find the teacher within to guide oneself towards unconditional love and peace

Thursday, December 31, 2009

About Positive Thinking

Thoughts are very powerful. Everything manifests from our thoughts. If we have negative thoughts most of the time, we will be projecting negative energy or elements around us and in our lives. Like wise if we have positive thoughts all the time, we will be projecting positive energy or elements into our lives.

In a yoga class, there are different people with different states of mind. Some are more positive and less negative and some are less positive and more negative. There is nothing wrong about being negative. It is a very normal thinking or feeling that everyone has. And regardless of whether positive or negative thinking, they are impermanent.
But if the mind starts to think that "I am not good at doing anything; that I am going to injure myself if I do this movement or exercise; or I am going to be sick if I don’t eat enough of a particular food; or I am going to be weak if I don’t eat particular type of food," and then for sure this will be what’s going to happen onto the body.

In the yoga classes, it is very important that whether the teachers themselves are being positive or negative.
The different types of yoga practice is about balancing, purifying, controlling and directing the energy fields in the body, and influencing the state of the mind. Attentiveness and willpower as well as the different physical positions and movements is the force that can influence and direct the energy fields in our body. When we concentrate at a particular point in our body, we are actually directing or gathering the energy fields towards that area. Yoga practice is not just doing some physical exercises where an instructor is standing in front of a group of people, instructing them to do some physical exercises. There is also some intentionless energy influence is going on between the teacher and the students. It is not something to be seen with our fleshy eyes or to be discussed about. It is intentionless, nameless and formless. It happens naturally when the yoga teacher is sincerely and selflessly to share the knowledge of yoga with other people without the idea of “I am a teacher, and I am giving my energy to the students”. In fact, if there is no egoistic identification with the body, the mind and the ego, we are only being an instrument or channel for other people to come in contact with the knowledge of yoga, to practice yoga, and to attain the realization of yoga. It is not 'I' that is teaching/passing the knowledge of yoga to the students, or that is influencing the energy fields of the students. This energy that allows all and everything to be existing, changing, and ceased existing, is selfless and doesn't belong to anyone or anything. It's not coming from 'I' transferring the positive or negative energy to the others, or influencing the energy fields of the others, to be positive or negative.
The energy fields, as well as all kinds of names and forms, are neither positive nor negative. It is the thinking or thought process that is functioning under the influence of ignorance and its by-products of different ways of egoistic thinking, understanding, beliefs, values and practices, that is projecting the quality of positive or negative onto all and everything.

If there is still the presence of the idea of 'I' in the mind identifying with the body and the mind and the actions of teaching yoga as "I am a yoga teacher who teach yoga to the yoga students," then we will think and believe that we are the one who is transferring our own energy to the students or we are influencing the energy fields of the yoga students when we teach the yoga classes, regardless of whether we are aware of it, or not, even though when we have no intention to do so. That’s why some yoga teachers get very tired physically and mentally, or feeling exhausted and has low energy level after giving yoga classes. And hence, they need to perform their own personal practice to replenish the lost energy. But this doesn't happen to a yoga teacher that has no identification with the body and mind, and the actions of teaching.
There are some forms of energy exchange/influence among one another all the time without knowing about it. Every moment we might be influenced by the different types of energy fields of all and everyone and everything in the world, without us being aware of it.

Only those who has no identification with the body and the mind will not be influenced, or affected, or disturbed by all these energy fields. People who have very strong willpower will be less affected or influenced by the external energy fields, or what is happening in the surrounding environment. While people with very weak willpower will be affected or influenced very much by the external energy fields or the surrounding environment. One who mixed with others who are negative would become negative over a period of time, and vice versa. While some minds that have transcended the duality of positive and negative will not become negative even if they are surrounded by all and everyone who are negative.

By knowing this, we will understand that when two people live together for some time, they will start to look alike with each other and they will be having the similar personality, thinking, gestures and mood as well. Without any intention, people with positive thinking can uplift some other people who are negative and depressed. While people with negative thinking might pull down some other people if these people are low in energy and have weak willpower, either intentionally or unintentionally.

Group energy can have a very strong influential power towards those who are very sensitive towards external energy fields, that are easily be influenced or affected by the surrounding environment. When we walk into a room that is full of people who are very anxious and furious, immediately we will be feeling anxious and agitated as well. When we are being with a group of people who are very cheerful and happy, immediately we will be feeling good and happy as well. Like wise if we are being with a group of people who are very depressed and negative, we will be feeling depressed and become very negative as well.

The leader of a group has the huge influence power to affect all the other people in the group. People are paying attention to this leader and admiring this leader. And thus, the people’s thinking and desire would be influenced by the leader, and the people will agree with and become like minded with the leader.

That's why, the state of mind (the energy field) of the yoga teacher is a very important factor that might be influencing the students to become more positive, cheerful, peaceful and wise, or not. Because most people will easily be influenced, or affected, or disturbed by others’ energy fields especially from a leader, or a teacher. Most of the school children who are in the same class under a same teacher will be having the similar type of mentality, way of thinking, belief, values, desires, and behaviors. Everyone is being molded into certain types of personality, way of thinking, and behavior without us being aware of it. We all think that we have our very own personal type of mentality, way of thinking, and behavior pattern, but actually we are being conditioned and influenced by some other people constantly.

If people had been watching John Travolta’s Saturday Night Fever, and within the next few weeks, we would see some people on the street were walking in the same way and had the similar expressions as John Travolta’s character in that movie.

When a person is being with a group of friends who like to gamble, or smoke, or drink, and very naturally this person will be doing the same activities as well, unless he or she has a very strong willpower. Look around us, this is what happening in the world.

The yoga teacher has got the ability or power to influence the students to become more positive or negative, whether intentionally or unintentionally.

If the yoga teacher has fear and negativity about getting injuries in doing certain exercises or asana poses, then most of the students will be having the same fear and negativity as well, and will easily get hurt or injuries from doing the exercises and asana poses, because they are thinking and believing in such way.

If the yoga teacher is very positive and has no fear and worries at all towards performing all the exercises and asana poses, then most of the students will be full of courage and confidence while performing all the exercises and asana poses without any fear and worries of getting any injuries. And thus the practice will be injury free, or has lower risk of injury.

It is because when people easily get muscle soreness or injuries from doing any exercises or asana poses is due to the tensions in the muscles caused by mental tension of fear and worries while performing the exercises or asana poses. The mind is limiting the ability of the physical body to perform the exercises or asana poses. When there is fear and worries, the mind tensed up that leads to the entire physical body also tensed up. When the muscles are tensed, unnecessary muscles fiber tear, or muscles pull or cramps could happen easily.

Especially when we perform the headstand, if a person's mind is relaxed while performing the pose and has no fear or worries about getting injured from falling down, his or her body and muscles will be relaxed even though if he or she does fall down from the headstand, but it will not generate any unnecessary injuries at all. Like wise, if the person is full of fear and worries that he or she might get hurt from falling down, then all his or her body muscles will be tensed up especially in the neck, the shoulders, and the back area while performing the headstand. And if he or she does fall down from the headstand, all the muscles in the neck, the shoulders, and the back area are so tensed that unnecessary injury could occur when he or she falls to the ground.

Look at the children who have no fear and worries. They can fall down as many times as they like whether intentionally or unintentionally while playing or exercising, and not getting any serious injuries except for a few bruises or cuts. Unless the falling impact is very strong, and the bones density is not so healthy, then there might be possibility of getting broken bones or bone fractures. Such people should avoid any kinds of fall or high impact movements and activities. We need to have an open mind while trying to perform all kinds of activities without the negative thinking of getting injuries, while we need to know what is the limitation of our physical body and not injuring ourselves blindly. But certainly not to stop ourselves from trying any activities due to fear and worries, or afraid of doing certain exercises or asana poses because we think and believe that there will be injury if we try to do them.

Although being cautious and attentive while performing any kinds of activities that might can avoid certain unnecessary injuries is something good, and will keep ourselves from getting injuries carelessly. But do not let the fear and worries conquering or over-powering our mind. This will stop us from doing many things that we could actually do. We always underestimate the ability of our body and the mind. That’s why yoga practice is dealing with the mind first before we move on into the physical yoga practice. If we are full of negative thinking or thoughts, the entire path will become negative and challenging as well.

This is the mind. Our mind limits us from doing many things, it's not the limitation of the physical body. The physical body is strong and flexible enough to perform many activities but the mind is limiting the body to do so due to fear and worries – lack of confidence, of not knowing what is the ability and limitation of the body and mind in the present moment now.

If ten years ago my body was suffering from certain injuries but that doesn’t determine that now I cannot perform the activities that I couldn’t do when I was having the injuries ten years ago.

Every moment the condition of our body and the mind is different. Be very open minded and free ourselves from negative thinking. Enjoy whatever we are doing without any fear and worries. Things will be much easier and enjoyable when the mind is relaxed and the body is tension free. All the exercises or asana poses that we thought they were difficult and dangerous will become easy and not dangerous anymore if we can let go the negative thinking of “the body might get some injuries from doing this or that” , or “I think I can never do this or that”, or “Most probably I will fall down from this position and hurt my neck, or my back, or my hips.”

It is the same in all our daily activities in life as well. Free ourselves from negative thinking. Be positive and open minded. We will see the entire world from a very different perspective and conception. Our life will be easier and happier. Our relationship with everyone will also have less unnecessary 'problems'.

Positive thinking doesn't mean that "I believe that I won't get hurt from falling down at any height," or "I can do and achieve everything that I desire," as that is pure ignorance. It's about freeing the mind from negative thinking of unnecessary doubt, fear and worry while performing any activities, while knowing and respecting the ability and limitation of the body and mind, without hurting the body and mind by forcing the body and mind beyond its limitation in the present moment.
It's okay if there are some activities or goals that the body and mind cannot do or achieve in this present moment now. Just do what is possible in this present moment now, with full attentiveness, without attachment, identification, or expectation.
Before the realization of the truth of names and forms, the mind is under the influence of duality. If so, the practice of positive thinking exists to counter negative thinking, so that the mind is not being over-whelmed by negative thinking. Upon the realization of the truth of names and forms, where everything is just what it is, that everything are neither good nor bad, neither positive nor negative, then the mind doesn't even need to be positive or think positive to counter any negativity or negative thinking, as there's nothing positive or negative. That is freedom.

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