be free, be happy, be peaceful

May all find the teacher within to guide oneself towards unconditional love and peace

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

The freedom of being free from ignorance and egoism

If the mind be opened to inquire into the cause of suffering, it will lead to the realization of the cause of suffering - Egoism of attachment, identification, desires of craving and aversion and expectation.

All form of restlessness, tension, stress, unhappiness, dissatisfaction, disappointment, discrimination, anger, hatred, jealousy, greed, hurts, regret, guilt, frustration, agitation, depression, sadness, grief, hostility, defensiveness, offensiveness, fear and worry, is the by-product of egoism.

- Attachment towards particular cultural/social/religious/political/commercial values thinking and belief and the mind perception of qualities of names and forms that the mind perceives through the senses.
- Identification with the impermanent selfless existence and function of the physical body and the thinking mind, as well as all the mind perceptions/experiences of a worldly life existence of different qualities of names and forms of beings, relationships and objects as 'I' and 'mine'.
- Desires of craving and aversion towards the perceived qualities of names and forms that the mind likes and dislikes, agrees with and disagrees with, wants and doesn't want, under the influence of that particular thinking and belief.
- Expectation towards the physical body, the thinking mind and all the perceived names and forms to be the way that the mind would like it to be, or the way that the mind thinks and believes how everything should be, conforming to that particular thinking and belief.

The society is a 'product' of survival instinct where the selfish minds feed the society with particular thinking and belief so that the other members of the society can be under the manipulation of themselves to gain maximum profits and higher chance of survival for themselves. The selfish minds want to be in power by keeping the others in the society as ignorant as possible and generate separation/discrimination/fear/hatred among the members of the society.

The mind is being conditioned/manipulated unwittingly by the surrounding people/society to think in certain ways, to believe in certain beliefs, to adopt certain values and to behave in certain ways. For example, in order to keep their children under their control, the parents would tell 'frightening' or 'threatening' stories of 'lies' and 'untruthfulness' to their children to create fear in the children's minds so that they won't do something that the parents don't like them to do. The children would believe all those stories are true, and then those stories will continue passing down to the next and next generations.

Parents tell untrue stories to their children to keep them under control. The children tell lies to their parents to avoid being punished and unloved. The spouse/lover tells lies to each other to manipulate the relationship to be the way that they like it to be. The politician tells lies to the community to get support to stay in power. The people tell lies to each other to get what they want from one another. That's the game most people are playing most of the time, whether they are aware or unaware of that. They justify it as 'harmless' white lies to keep things in order (to control people and things to be the way that they like it to be). But when other people being untruthful and tell lies to them, they don't like it and feel betrayed, fooled and angry. Such hypocrisy is the society and humanity.

Yoga practice is to free the mind from the influence of any conditioned and limited thinking, beliefs and values, and to see things as they are. One is free and peaceful as one is, without hanging onto any particular thinking, belief and values to be identified as 'I', or to live life and behave in accordance to a particular limited thinking, belief and values.

The entire worldly life existence only exists in the mind, perceiving a world of names and forms through the senses. A good/bad or happy/unhappy worldly life existence is coming from the mind itself reacting towards all the perceptions/experiences of names and forms. Once the mind is free from ignorance and sees things as they are, the world is just what it is. It's neither good nor bad, neither happy nor unhappy.

A well-trained mind knows how to be poised under chaos, undesirable condition or challenging situation and knows how to divert the excess energy for performing wholesome activities through the physical body while refraining from unwholesome activities.

An untrained mind is restless and be disturbed unwittingly under chaos, undesirable condition or challenging situation and doesn't know how to deal with excess energy to channel the energy into performing wholesome activities through the physical body and doesn't have self-control to refrain from engaging in unwholesome activities. Random selfish actions are being performed under the influence of instinctive passionate desire that generate consequences of action.

The ignorant minds think and believe that the cause of suffering lies in the qualities of names and forms that the minds perceive and believe as 'bad', 'wrong', 'negative', 'hurtful', 'sorrowful' and 'suffering' based on the cultural/social/religious/political thinking and belief in the mind. And hence, the ignorant minds think that in order to have peace and happiness in the world that they perceive/live in, or to be free from unhappiness or suffering in themselves is by either 'deleting' or 'eliminating' the qualities of names and forms that they dislike, disagree with and don't want, that they believe as 'bad', 'wrong', 'negative', 'hurtful', 'sorrowful' and 'suffering', or, by 'converting' or 'changing' the qualities of names and forms into what they believe as 'good', 'right', 'positive', 'soothing', 'joyful' and 'pleasurable'. And thus, unrest, discrimination, prejudice, hatred, violence, oppression, wars and killings were/are happening everywhere.

Suffering only exists in the mind via the mind perception of names and forms through the senses. The ignorant egoistic mind reacts and feels disturbed and suffer by the mind perceptions/experiences of the presence of certain names and forms that the mind dislikes, disagrees with and doesn't want, and the absence of certain names and forms that the mind likes, agrees with and wants.

There's ceaseless restlessness due to fear towards coming in contact with the qualities of names and forms that the mind dislikes, disagrees with and doesn't want, and fear of losing the qualities of names and forms that the mind likes, agrees with and wants.

The mind is restless or peaceless or in suffering is due to the ignorant egoistic mind reaction towards the gratification and non-gratification of its desires of craving and aversion. Restlessness, peacelessness or suffering doesn't come from the objects of names and forms that the mind perceives through the senses.

Do not blind-following, or blind-believing, or blind-agreeing in anything the mind perceives/comes in contact with/sees/reads/hears/learns from somewhere or someone, including all the teachings of yoga.

Even if someone who is peaceful being free from suffering, ignorance and egoism tells us the truth of something, we will never know whether it's true, or not, unless it's coming from direct experience of self-realization.

Inquire the cause of suffering through self-effort and self-realization.

Free the mind from the cause of suffering.

Absence of the cause of suffering, there's no suffering.

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