be free, be happy, be peaceful

May all find the teacher within to guide oneself towards unconditional love and peace

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Quality of life?

Quality of life is not determined by life conditions, wealth status, health status, possessions, social status, success in education or career, relationships, material and sensual enjoyments, physical conditions or abilities, and etc.

Without the correct understanding about things, or not knowing the truth of things, all these impermanent good and bad qualities of names and forms do not guarantee us peace and happiness. We still can be dissatisfied and be disturbed by anger, hatred, greed, jealousy, dissatisfaction, disappointment, pride, arrogance, agitation, depression, fear and worry, and etc, as we have attachment, craving and aversion towards things that we like and dislike, things that we agree with and disagree with...

Peace of mind doesn't come from good quality of names and forms. It is going beyond the identification with all these impermanent good and bad qualities to determine who we are or what we are... It is non-attachment towards all these names and forms. We are able to accept the reality of everything as it is, not necessarily the way that we like it to be or what we think it should be...

Only when we are not attached to, nor determined by all these impermanent qualities of names and forms of good and bad, positive and negative, happiness and suffering, as who we are or how we should feel, then we can fully make the maximum out of this life existence...

We are leading our life to do our best in what we can do with this life, this body and this mind. But if we depend on all these impermanent qualities of names and forms to determine us, then it will be the opposite, we will be lead by all these impermanent changes of names and forms...

We will never have peace or be truly happy as we will be forever restless and dissatisfied because the nature of life and all the things that come along with life are impermanent. Even if everything is the way that we like it to be in the moment, we might feel satisfy and happy about all these good quality of names and forms that we like and want in the moment, but this satisfaction and happy feelings are not pure. It is a mixture of dissatisfaction, fear and worry. It's because everything is impermanent, constantly changing. And we have attachment towards this good quality of things to feel good and meaningful. Due to craving and clinging towards all these good quality of things, we don't want them to change into something else that we don't like, but we couldn't stop all these things to go through changes or impermanence... Eventually when all these good or happy things changed or disappeared, we feel dissatisfy, disappointed, lost and empty...

And even if we don't experience any things that are not good in the moment, we are still full of aversion towards bad things, bad happenings or bad conditions. We are full of fear and worry even though nothing bad is happening now. We are disturbed by imaginations and anticipations about bad things, bad happenings and bad conditions that might going to happen on us...

There is no peace no matter everything is good now and nothing bad is happening, because we cannot avoid fear and worry and dissatisfaction that derived from attachment, craving and aversion, due to being ignorant about the truth of things. If we are able to let go of craving and aversion that comes from attachment towards the qualities of names and forms, then naturally peace and happiness is here, unconditioned and undetermined by all the impermanent qualities of things...

That should be the guideline for quality of life (existence)... It is not determined by whether our living condition is abundance or scarcity (in terms of all the basic needs and wants in life, such as food, clothing, shelter, things, education, career, wealth, possessions, relationships, friendships, enjoyments, physical health and abilities, and etc...). People who live a life of luxury and enjoy high quality things don't necessarily have a high quality of life. A monk who renounced the worldly way of life, or even a man living on the streets can have a high quality of life. People who have very good physics, health condition and physical abilities don't necessarily have a high quality of life. People who have poor physics, health condition and physical abilities can have a high quality of life. We are able to live life to the maximum and meaningfully without being determined by the different qualities of things, conditions, situations, physical conditions and abilities, and etc, that we have or don't have...

There is nothing wrong with people who believe in accumulation of wealth, good condition of health, good physics and abilities, success in relationships or career, material possessions and sensual enjoyments as the foundation of happiness and value of life... There is nothing wrong also with people who believe in contentment, generosity and kindness as the source of happiness and value of life... It can be anything depending on what we really want. At the end it is our own choice and believe in what we want and whether we are going to be happy with what we want and what we can achieve... Most people don't really happy or be satisfied with what they want... Some people think having more things in life will be happy but not necessarily. Some people think having less things in life will be happy but not necessarily... It is up to us whether we are satisfied and be happy with what we have and what we don't have in the present moment now...
Happiness and value of life is not to be judged or determined by how the society think or believe what happiness and value of life are... Our life is centered on how we feel and think, and not how other people feel and think... This is not selfishness or being unthoughtful... Everyone is responsible for themselves for how they feel and think... Even if other people intentionally throw some abusive words and actions towards us, we don't have to be disturbed or determined by it... We can choose to move away... We can still be peaceful as we are... When we are not happy and angry about certain things, it is coming from our own mind... It's not caused by what other people say or do. We are not happy and angry is because what other people say or do is not something that our mind can agree with or it is not how our mind like it to be...

Be confident in our own belief and our belief should not be influenced or shattered by the thinking and belief of the society...

Om shanti. 

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